Convo By Design®

Convo By Design®

Happy Holidays | 548 | A Message of Reflection & Optimism

December 24, 2024

Happy Holidays. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah. I hope 2024 was the best year ever for you and yours but pales in comparison to 2025. This was an interesting year, one of challenges for the design industry. But more importantly to me, because so many of the people behind design, my friends, family, people I care about, it’s even more important than ever to simply remind you that this was a good year and I know a lot of you are worried, concerned about what 2025 will bring for a number of reasons. Political, social and economic. I am a realistic optimist and I think we are headed into a fantastic year.

Designer Resources

Pacific Sales Kitchen and Home. Where excellence meets expertise.

Monogram – It’s the details that define Monogram

ThermaSol – Redefining the modern shower experience. Without steam, it’s just a bathroom.

Design Hardware – A stunning and vast collection of jewelry for the home!

 – Where service meets excellence

TimberTech – Real wood beauty without the upkeep

Two parts to that. A realist and an optimist. Those two ideas are not always compatible. There are going to be issues to overcome over the next few years, there is no doubt about that. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t only survive, but thrive. Chaos and challenging times are when designers and architects thrive most, why? Because uncomfortable times create a need for better spaces. Think about it. Post Great Depression architecture included Art Moderne, PWA Moderne, WPA Rustic through the U.S. New Deal and this was a time for Modernism to thrive creating a whole new design industry. WWII created the Mid-Century Modern movement and mew approaches to living. The Atomic Age ushered in a new approach to personal safety through residential bomb shelters. new products and materials. A new approach to power consumption with a focus on electrification and modern technologies within the home. It’s almost as if the greater the chaos, the greater the opportunity for those who craft , design and create safe spaces. Think about that.

Changes to the design industry are coming:

AI – We’ve been talking about artificial intelligence on the show since late 2022. It’s no longer coming. It’s here. And to those with whom I have spoken asking if they are going to lose their job to AI, I will tell you what I tell them. Probably not. AI can’t do your job. You’re going to lose you jobs to the designer who knows how to use AI. It’s not about prompts, high capacity CPU’s or the ideation a computer can do that you can’t. It’s the tasks and roles AI can play within your design firm that will make all the difference. If you are still bound by past methods of doing the work, better educated designers will have more time to pursue projects, deliver proposals and create faster project completions. It’s not just talent anymore, but the speed at which you can deliver on each milestone of the project. We all need to be lifelong learners and increase the speed at which we work. That, and using AI to stay on top of the new ideas your clients will be asking for.

Dupes – The moment something unique is created, someone is working on ways to steal the idea. It sucks, but that’s the way it is. There is a break between budgetary constraints and creating a uniquely special space. Remember a few years ago, during the pandemic when storytelling was what clients wanted. Designers were perfectly suited to deliver on that. Now, clients want the economic pain to stop and shrinking budgets have led to a proliferation of dupes. It’s still not okay. Be original and clients will follow. Dupes are not the same as they original. While they may look similar, there is a reason why they are cheaper than the original and it usually has to do with the materials you don’t see but will certainly feel.

Originality and Authenticity – A strong design firm is such because they produce concepts that are unique. Fads and trends come and go, but originality is always in style. Originality comes in many forms and the reason the U.S. design and architecture community is so strong is due to that embrace of uniqueness and desire for authentic designs in residential, commercial, hospitality, education and industrial spaces. The killer of creativity, personal opinion, has been social medias affect on the creative endeavors. We have entered into a copy culture when everyone seems to be racing to come in second. Let someone else take the shots for being first and then come in behind them with a modified version of the same thing. Social media created that and it sucks the originality out of any creative endeavor. Let 2025 be the year of experimental design, original thought and a sense of aspirational ideals. I don’t just direct this at the designers, shelter media needs to do better. This obsession with celebrity and celebrity designer is slowly choking the joy out of our industry. I cannot tell you how many publicists I have spoken to who tell me that they are having trouble getting coverage for their clients who are doing amazing work for non-celebs. I think the trade pubs have it hard, I really do. They lost a ton of subs during the pandemic. Many have fired or laid off the majority of their contributors, many released the higher priced (quality) contributors for less experienced writers and paper/ distribution costs have increased. I get it. But you simply can’t expect to charge more for an inferior product at a time when everyone is paying more for everything. But, you can charge more for a better product! That is what designers do and what the trade pubs should do as well.

Stronger Together – That’s all on this subject. We are stronger together. If we strengthen our industry bonds, we can do better work in a more collaborative environment. Increase your industry relationships. Like these…

Yes, these are partner sponsors of mine and I am incredibly proud to be working with ThermaSol, Design Hardware, TimberTech, Pacific Sales and Monogram. These partnerships are so important for so many reasons. I can tell you that I have done my research on each and I am proud to be working with them. If you want to know why aside from what you hear on the show, email me and I will share my experiences with each.

2025 is going to be a chaotic year, that is how it’s shaping up. But that can be great news for our industry, and I believe it will be. My mission is to bring you the latest in remarkable stories about wonderful creatives. To share the latest industry news and happenings either from there or speaking with those experiencing it first hand. You will also be hearing from a new slate of Convo By Design Icon Registry Inductees and the limited WestEdge Wednesday panel series starting in January with all of the panels and programs from the show’s main stage in their entirety.

As we reflect on 2024, take some time to enjoy a breather with family and friends. That is what is truly important. There are some additional happenings for me and Convo By Design next year. We will surpass episode 600 in 2025, I will be speaking at KBIS, and Convo By Design will be opening a boutique, multi-line rep firm giving designers an opportunity to engage directly with select brands and unique products to specify for their truly special projects.

It all comes down to being thankful, optimistic and curious. I’m thankful for you. Listening to the show and sharing it with your friends, family and colleagues. I’m thankful for my partner sponsors ThermaSol, Pacific Sales, TimberTech, Monogram and Design Hardware. Optimistic about the year to come and experiencing it first hand, in real time. Curious and on the endless pursuit for the stories, brands and products behind sublime design. Please keep those show and guest suggestion emails coming, Convo By Design at Outlook dot com and on Instagram @ConvoXDesign with an “X”. Until next year, be well and take today first. -CXD