Convo By Design®

Convo By Design®

Drinking About Design with the Whisky Watercolor Club | 478 | Tom Kligerman, Ankie Barnes, Steve Rugo, Douglas C. Wright & Michael Imber

February 02, 2024

It’s not fair, really. If you think about it…It’s one thing to be immensely talented at one creative endeavor, but nowadays, everyone’s an overachiever. This is another installment of Drinking About Design, a journey into the less explored aspects of design, art and architecture. This installment is a fun one, for a litany of reasons, and not just because we’re drinking, but that doesn’t hurt.

Just to reset the table for you. In the summer of 2020, the pandemic was in full effect. We were all locked in and trying to figure out what was going to happen next. You remember, you were doing the exact same thing. So, besides the day drinking and looking up old friends on Facebook, I was trying to learn new ways to be socially engaged. One of things I did during that time was binge watch Drunk History, Dinner for Five and Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown and No Reservations. Ground breaking shows that I never could find the time to watch before.

I became enamored with the skill by which Anthony Bourdain found a complete language revolving around found and association to society, how Jon Favreau could take 4 celebrities and craft a vibrant tableau out of each of the stories shared around a table. How Derek Waters told stories through the honest interpretations of historical events through the drunken lens of comics woven together as a tapestry featuring some of the funniest people working in Hollywood.

Then all of a sudden, it was over. Things opened up all at once and we all got busy. Really busy. I’ve been missing some of those evenings at the virtual bar, My virtual bar is called, Big D Energy. Big Design Energy for my Hip Hop loving friends. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea.

Now, this installment is a fun one and features, Michael Imber, Ankie Barnes, Steve Rugo, Tom Kligerman and Douglas C. Wright. 5 architects, friends with a passion for whisky and a love for painting in watercolor.  Some are a bit better at it, I’m not going to say who…but they will. These five creatives are extremely accomplished in their chosen profession, they are extraordinarily talented artists, they are well traveled, and we talk about this and so much more. 

Old Fashioned Ingredients –

These are the ingredients you’ll need to make this top-rated old fashioned recipe:

  • Simple syrup: Use store-bought simple syrup or make your own at home.
  • Water: A teaspoon of water helps bring out the flavor of the bourbon.
  • Bitters: Use store-bought bitters or make your own at home.
  • Ice: Traditional old fashioned cocktails are served over ice.
  • Bourbon: Of course, you’ll need bourbon! You can use rye whiskey instead, if you like.
  • Garnishes: Garnish your old fashioned with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

Welcome to the Big D Energy, a virtual pub at the sketchy outskirts of the internet. We’re talking about art, architecture, travel, and having fun with a few pops among friends. Cozy up to the bar, grab a drink and enjoy this conversation with the Whiskey Watercolor Club.

Thanks for listening to this installment of Drinking About Design featuring the Whiskey Watercolor Club. Thank you, Tom, Ankie, Michael, Douglas and Steve for sharing your stories and incredible talents. Thank you for doing this. For notes, drink recipe’s and further links to the stories and work you heard about here, check the show notes. Thanks for listening. Cheers.