Conversations With Healers

Conversations With Healers

Jessicka Herman – Healing Through Channeling

May 01, 2023

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Jessicka (Jessie) Herman, Mother, Artist, Channel for Vagrein, a physical non-entity group, Transformational Life Coach, Pranic Energy Healer, and (together with Vagrein) the author of the books 'Vagrein - Seeking Ends When Sharing Begins' and 'Vagrein - Insight'
I had an amazing conversation with Jessie Herman all about channeling and how we all channel. I loved Jessie's clarity on what channeling means for her and how she makes sense of channeling the light being Vagrein, being a mom and a writer, and more. She gave me some of my most favorite pieces of advice: what if you can now let go of suffering and open to more joy right here and right now? What if the people, situations, and things life brings you now are and can be loving instead of hurtful, can you stay open to that?
We talked about:

Jessie's story of becoming a channel for Vagrein,
how channeling feels for her and what self-care means for her as a channeler,
what channeling is, and how we all channel,
the blessing in physical discomfort,
how mothering plays into all this,
And more.

You can find out more about Jessie and her work at her website and Instagram Check out her first book at You can download the first two chapters for free at Jessie's website.
With love and light,