Conversations With Healers

Conversations With Healers

Patty Lennon – Healing Through Receiving

November 01, 2023

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Patty Lennon, Best-selling Author, Coach with a Masters in Psychology, Host of The Space For Magic Podcast, Keynote Speaker, and the Founder of The Receiving School. Patty brings in a beautiful gift of extracting truths from her life and her healing work. I can say for sure that this is a conversation that I needed to hear about receiving. I hope you take the time to really absorb Patty's lovely magic and wisdom.
We talked about:

Patty's story of how she came to do her healing work, her moment of being fully seen by a co-worker, and how her childhood shaped her dreams and goals,
What receiving is and isn't,
What knowing and meeting our needs has to do with receiving,
The main thing that's holding you back from manifesting and receiving more money, love, etc. and realizing your dreams (this was a huge aha moment for me!),
How being a lightworker doesn't mean that it will always be sunlight and rainbows,
And so much more.

You can find out more about Patty and her work at her websites, and her Instagram She has a free quiz for finding your secret soul power
With love and light,