Conversations With Healers

Conversations With Healers

Nicola Humber – Healing Through Writing

October 01, 2023

In this Conversations With Healers episode, my guest is Nicola Humber, Author, Intuitive Mentor, Host of the Unbound Writer's Club Podcast, Founder of The Unbound Press soul-led publishing imprint, and an Energy Healer. She helps magick women write and publish world-changing books through The Unbound Press and The Unbound Writing Mastermind.
If you are on the transformational healing journey of writing a transformational healing book, look no further. This conversation with Nicola is all you need to feel into what might be possible for you if you accept the invitation to write what Nicola calls an Unbound Book. Nicola is one of those magical people that I truly want to be my own version of when (and if) I grow up. This conversation is a true delight and will give you healing insights whether you want to write a book or not.
We talked about:

Nicola's story of becoming 'unbound' and how she connects with the soul essence of a book she is writing and helps others do the same,
Why we write and why it is so hard to create sometimes,
How can writing heal us and the world,
Where women most need to be unbound in their lives,
How to replenish our magick,
What to do when a book knocks on your door,
And more.

You can find out more about Nicola and her amazing work at her website, her publishing imprint, her Instagram See all her free and paid offers here (including a free meditation that will help you connect with the soul of your book)
With love and light,