Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 155 What Would Happen If One Country Became Free, and the Rest Had States?
September 08, 2018

We take a listener question -- early-bird registrants for the Contra Cruise got this as a bonus -- about what would happen if one country went completely stateless, but the rest of the world stayed the same. Lots of potential consequences here, and we do

Ep. 154 The Economic Freedom of the States Proves Our Point, Not Krugman's
September 01, 2018

The Cato Institute recently issued a ranking of economic freedom in the 50 U.S. states. Krugman thinks they're defining freedom too narrowly, for surely workers in New York, where they have many protections, feel freer than workers elsewhere. He further s

Ep. 153 Elizabeth Warren's Accountable Capitalism Act
August 25, 2018

Senator Warren has proposed sweeping changes to how corporations would be allowed to operate in the United States -- no longer will they cater to stockholders only, but they will have to take into account the needs of a wide range of "stakeholders" (worke

Ep. 152 Krugman Hearts Pelosi for Giving Us Obamacare, Stimulus, Financial Reform
August 18, 2018

Krugman calls Nancy Pelosi "by far the greatest speaker of modern times," and says she "surely ranks among the most impressive people ever to hold that position." He credits her with helping push along financial reform, Obamacare, the stimulus, etc. -- an

Ep. 151 Krugman Is a Crypto-Skeptic, and for Lousy Reasons
August 11, 2018

Krugman advances two main arguments against cryptocurrency. One of them, it turns out, applies equally well to the U.S. dollar, a point Krugman fails to acknowledge. Neither argument carries much sting, and in fact cryptocurrencies can parry Krugman's cri

Ep. 150 We Need the State to Protect Workers
August 04, 2018

There's been plenty of discussion of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, says Krugman, but it's been focused mainly on his views of presidential power, and not on his opinions on business and workers. On this, too, he's atrocious, says Krugman. We say:

Ep. 149 How to Unwind the Welfare State
July 30, 2018

Krugman is on vacation this week, so we take a topic suggestion from someone who's joining us on this year's Contra Cruise: how to unwind the welfare state peacefully as the fiscal crisis becomes impossible to evade.

Ep. 148 LIVE FROM MISES U: Why Does Austrian Economics Matter to the Average Person?
July 24, 2018

We recorded this episode before a live audience at the Mises Institute's Mises University summer program. What a blast!

Ep. 147 Krugman Hearts Democratic Socialists; We Don't
July 14, 2018

During the 2016 campaign Krugman was critical of Bernie Sanders, but all of a sudden he can't see anything wrong with "radical Democrats" like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We help him see more clearly.

Ep. 146 Trump's Fake Victories?
July 09, 2018

The economy may be doing well, says Krugman, but when you look closer at what Trump touts as his great economic victories, they've been neutral to negative. (Also: winners of the Contra Cruise contest announced!)
