Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 145 The Libertarian Wing of the Libertarian Party
July 03, 2018

The Libertarian Party's Mises Caucus held a special event last weekend during the Libertarian Party's national convention, and we both spoke. We recorded this episode with three other speakers as guests: Jordan Page, Michael Heise, and Murray Sabrin.

Ep. 144 How to Answer Climate Alarmists? Read Their Own Reports
June 23, 2018

In this episode, Bob flies solo and fields another Contra Cruiser request. Specifically, he explains the standard Austrian approach to air pollution, and then talks about the risks of catastrophic climate change. Do libertarians just have to hope nothing

Ep. 143 Here's What Krugman Did to Win the Nobel Prize
June 16, 2018

We get this question all the time: what did Krugman win it for, and can you explain it in an episode? It involves trade, and we're discussing it today.

Ep. 142 KRUGMAN FLATTENED: The Neocons Are Sincere, He Says, But Everyone Else Is a Shill for the Coal Industry
June 09, 2018

Krugman tips his hat to the neoconservatives, whom he describes as "sincere," but says the rest of his right-of-center opponents are unprincipled shills. Why, they support Trump's government support for coal! Uh, nope.

Ep. 141 Do You Want the Crankish Monetary System We Have Now, or This Other Crankish Monetary System?
June 02, 2018

It's one thing to find problems with the current monetary system. It's quite another to recommend an alternative. Switzerland has establishment commentators going berserk over its own proposal -- why, this would return us to the "Dark Ages," warns Busines

Ep. 140 Fascism Is Coming to Europe
May 25, 2018

Krugman bewails the mistakes and poor judgment of the establishment on both sides of the Atlantic, because the result has been a popular revolt tending towards fascism. We also discuss the euro, and Krugman's claim that "austerity" caused great damage to

Ep. 139 Why Are Drug Prices So High in the U.S.?
May 19, 2018

Krugman is unconvinced by the Trump plan to get Americans lower drug prices, and tries to figure out why those prices are so high. Let's just say that in this episode we help him do a better job of that....

Ep. 138 The War on Dissidents, Which Krugman Pretends Not to See
May 13, 2018

Krugman makes fun of the idea that conservatives and libertarians are treated particularly unfairly. Why, people criticize Krugman, too, and that's all right by him! Well, we have more fun in this episode than in any episode in recent memory. Not to menti

Ep. 137 Is Taxation Theft? Not If You're Not Entitled to Your Paycheck in the First Place, Says Philosopher
May 07, 2018

Philip Goff argues that libertarians make a variety of unsupported and unsupportable assumptions when they claim that taxation is theft. We defend the libertarian claim against Goff. (What else did you expect us to do?)

Ep. 136 You Hate Schoolteachers, and Education, and Knowledge
April 30, 2018

Are Republicans at war with schoolteachers? Krugman thinks so: their state-level tax cuts have wrought havoc on education budgets, and it's teachers' salaries that have suffered. We discuss the real truth of that question, plus the more general claim tha
