Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 165 Why Did a Booming Economy Hit a Snag? (You'll Never Guess Krugman's Answer....)
November 19, 2018

Brazil's economy was booming and everything looked great, and then it suffered a severe slump. What the heck happened? Well, whether or not you're interested in Brazil you'll be interested in Krugman's attempted answers and our replies. (You'll also be sh

Ep. 164 Krugman: Backward Hicks Keep Thwarting My Candidates
November 10, 2018

Krugman laments that the Senate disproportionately represents people he obviously dislikes. we use that as a springboard for a lively discussion of the recent midterm elections and what's really going on in American politics.

Ep. 163 Scott Horton on Trump, the Saudis, and Murder
November 05, 2018

The apparent murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of the Saudis was the subject of this Krugman column, which discusses and criticizes the Trump response. Foreign-policy expert Scott Horton joins us for this chilling episode.

Ep. 162 LIVE FROM THE CONTRA CRUISE: Hard Questions for Libertarians
October 26, 2018

Aboard our third Contra Cruise, we take on some of the hardest questions libertarians have to answer: roads, the poor, defense, and more.

Ep. 161 The Huge Problem the Fed Caused When It, Ahem, Solved the Last Problem
October 20, 2018

During and after the financial crisis the Fed increased the monetary base to an unprecedented extent. Everyone hailed it for its wisdom. but that alleged solution is now a major problem hanging over the economy. What if anything can the Fed do now?

Ep. 160 Climate Change Alarmists Prematurely Cheer New Nobel Winner
October 14, 2018

The media is delighted that William Nordhaus shared this year's Nobel Prize in economics. Why, he warns about the damage likely to be caused by climate change, just as we do! Not so fast, alarmists. Not so fast.

Ep. 159 We're All Angry, Envious White Men
October 08, 2018

Krugman insists that the Brett Kavanaugh controversy is all about entitled, envious white men terrified of losing their status and privilege. We SLIGHTLY disagree. SLIGHTLY.

Ep. 158 How to Be Elegant When Smashing Your Enemies With a Sledgehammer
September 29, 2018

Bob and Tom discuss the work of Bob's favorite economist, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk. Böhm-Bawerk refuted many an economic fallacy in his day, including Marxism itself. We discuss the arguments he made as well as how he made them.

Ep. 157 Krugman's Model Worked Great -- So Long as He Writes the History Books
September 22, 2018

Krugman surprises us by writing about economics. He tells us that in the wake of the financial crisis, the public and even other economists have drawn the wrong lessons. Contrary to what you've heard, says Krugman, the Keynesian macro model did great duri

Ep. 156 Brett Kavanaugh Will Kill the Constitution, Krugman Says
September 14, 2018

This week's column, which makes hysterical claims about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is a combination of baseless assertion and historical ignorance. Joining us for this week's dismantling is special guest and James Madison biographer Kevin Gutz
