Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 175 The Free Market: Unpopular Without Racism
February 07, 2019

Krugman says nobody really supports free-market (what he calls "conservative") economics. Racists tolerate it because it's the only way they can get their racism fix; the Republicans, who give them the racism they seek, cling to "conservative" economics,

Ep. 174 They Are Really Coming After the Rich
February 02, 2019

The proposals to tax the rich much more heavily are coming fast and furious from Democratic presidential candidates. We examine the ideas and so-called economics behind it all. Show notes for Ep. 174 -

Ep. 173 The Case for One-Third Communism
January 26, 2019

Krugman says that the case for putting the government directly in charge of approximately one-third of the economy is very strong. We're not so sure it's quite so strong. Show notes for Ep. 173 -

Ep. 172 The Government Shutdown: A Big Libertarian Experiment?
January 19, 2019

Krugman points out that even though Republicans have been calling for limited government for as long as anyone can remember, now that the federal government shutdown is upon us they're desperate to get emergency funding for various government functions. I

Ep. 171 The Economics of Soaking the Rich
January 11, 2019

Paul Krugman loves Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and says her suggestion for a much higher top marginal income tax rate is actually well founded and economically sound. Now if the column were just about that, it'd make for a great episode of Contra Krugman. B

Ep. 170 Are Conservatives Hypocrites on Fed Policy?
January 07, 2019

Krugman can't believe that the same people warning about expansionary monetary policy under Barack Obama are suddenly concerned about contractionary monetary policy under Donald Trump. You already know part of the answer: Krugman is as inconsistent as the

Ep. 169 You Want the Free Market? You're Unscientific and a Hack
December 23, 2018

Why can't Krugman be a plain old economist who speaks in a nonpartisan way? That's what supporters asked after hearing him speak dispassionately about trade on a recent podcast. His answer: people who oppose me on fiscal and monetary policy are partisan c

Ep. 168 The Problems With the Green New Deal
December 18, 2018

Newly elected member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been calling for a "Green New Deal," which she says will at once confront the dangers of climate change and also provide good jobs at living wages and overturn racial and gender injustices. We

Ep. 167 How Can a Free Society Handle Terrorism, Climate Change, and Quarantines?
December 11, 2018

We take on additional hard questions for libertarians: quarantines (for infectious/incurable diseases), terrorism, Somalia, and climate change.

Ep. 166 Krugman's Recent Q&A: His (Lousy) Answers, and Ours
November 30, 2018

Krugman took questions last week on Quora, and they spanned a wide range: -- Has Keynesian economics failed America? -- What are the causes of inequality? -- What will Trump's long-term economic legacy be? -- Why haven't wages increased alongside corpora
