Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 185 David Stockman Joins Us to Shred Economist's Love Letter to the Fed
April 22, 2019

Greg Mankiw, a professor of economics at Harvard, wrote an article for the New York Times urging America to preserve the Federal Reserve he loves. And what is that? A nonpolitical, nonpartisan, scientific economic management agency staffed by selfless adv

Ep. 184 What Is Trump Doing to the Fed?
April 13, 2019

Krugman is very unhappy about the nominations of Stephen Moore and Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors. (Cain's nomination now seems likely to be abortive.) Krugman devotes particular attention to Moore, whom he considers a partisan ha

Ep. 183 Contra Ocasio-Cortez
April 06, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the controversial left-wing member of Congress, got into a Twitter war when she observed that a mere croissant at La Guardia Airport goes for $7, yet some people think $15 is too much to ask for a whole hour of human labor! She s

Ep. 182 Hooray for the Minimum Wage? How Economists Went Off Track
March 30, 2019

This episode reviews some of the key moments and claims from the Russiagate fiasco, to help clarify just what a damning indictment of the media it truly is. Show notes for Ep. 182 -

Ep. 181 Don't Blame Robots for Low Wages
March 22, 2019

Krugman starts off more or less all right in this one, arguing that robots aren't the reason wages aren't higher. But then he goes off into cloud cuckoo land, blaming the problem on a decline in labor unions. We also discuss the controversy about the conn

Ep. 180 Are We Full of Irrational Rage? (This One's a Doozy)
March 15, 2019

Krugman can't get over the stupid things his opponents get upset about, and how full of irrational rage they are -- quite unlike today's left, you understand. Show notes for Ep. 180 -

Ep. 179 How to Defeat a Smear Attack Against You
March 09, 2019

This week, although we do cover Krugman a bit, we use a recent Caitlin Johnstone article as a springboard for discussion. With social media and traditional media in swarm mode against perpetrators of thoughtcrime, what is the best approach to maintain one

Ep. 178 Let's Socialize the Family, Say Warren and Krugman
March 03, 2019

This week Krugman endorses Elizabeth Warren's plan for subsidized child care at the federal level. It's so cheap, and it would help so many people! Meh. Show notes for Ep. 178 -

Ep. 177 Semi-Sensible Krugman vs. Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)
February 23, 2019

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is picking up steam (thanks to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders), to the point that even Krugman is alarmed. Yes, he says, you will have to raise taxes to pay for what progressives want. This is the episode folks ha

Ep. 176 Trump vs. Socialism?
February 14, 2019

Socialism isn't all that radical, insists Krugman. Plus: virtually all people who call themselves socialists just want to be like Denmark, not Venezuela or the Soviet Union. They just want poor people cared for! Anyone who thinks nicey-nice socialism like
