Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 55 Krugman, Trump, and Trade
October 09, 2016

Krugman says it's not just Trump who's an ignoramus, but his economic advisors, too: why, they seem to think a foreign VAT (value-added tax) hurts US exporters. We investigate, and turns out these guys are against fiscal and monetary stimulus -- how bad

Ep. 54 Watch Out: Hillary and the Government Want to Help Families
September 30, 2016

All the Republicans want to do is cut taxes on the rich, says Krugman, but Hillary has lots of programs she wants to enact for "working families." And each one is obtuse in its own special way.

Ep. 53 Krugman's Stern Warning: Don't You Dare Vote for the Crazy Libertarians
September 23, 2016

Krugman sternly lectures millennials: DO NOT vote for Gary Johnson. You are wasting your vote. Plus, the Libertarian Party platform is nuts! We respond, in one of Tom's favorite episodes of Contra Krugman.

Ep. 52 Why Would Anyone Think Hillary Clinton Isn't Truthful?
September 17, 2016

Krugman suggests that the image of Hillary Clinton as particularly untruthful is a fabrication of the right-wing noise machine. We remind him of some uncomfortable truths.

Ep. 51 Not Voting Democrat? Then You Want to Kill Children, Says Krugman
September 09, 2016

This week, Krugman is unhappy about the adverse health effects of lead paint, which only Hillary Clinton wants to eradicate. This is typical, Krugman says: Republicans (which in his mind is synonymous with free-market people) hate science and love when po

Ep. 50 Cuts to Planned Parenthood Caused Pregnant Women to Die? Here's the Real Story Behind This Whopper
September 03, 2016

Why have mortality rates among pregnant women in Texas doubled in recent years? There's no one explanation, Krugman admits -- and then proceeds to pounce on one explanation: cuts to Planned Parenthood. And you'll never guess: Krugman is full of it!

Ep. 49 Obamacare Sinking? Why, It's Just a Flesh Wound, Says Krugman!
August 29, 2016

The bad news keeps piling up for Obamacare: Aetna, for example, is pulling out of a lot of the exchanges. The failures are everywhere now. According to Krugman, a little tinkering here and there would fix it, if it weren't for all the unreasonable right-

Ep. 48 Where Does Economic Growth Come From? Krugman Genuinely Stumped
August 20, 2016

We know how to do some things, Krugman says, like deliver health care to everyone, provide for people's retirement, and increase the wages of low-income people. But economic growth? That's a tough nut to crack, he says. We can try infrastructure spending,

Ep. 47 Time for Lots of Borrowing and Spending?
August 13, 2016

With long-term interest rates low and no shortage of ideas for public-works projects, Krugman says now's the time to do -- wait for it -- lots of borrowing and spending. Actually, you know what it's really time for?

Ep. 46 Krugman to NeverTrumpers: Hillary Probably Won't Be a Disaster
August 05, 2016

This week, Krugman appeals to Republican opponents of Donald Trump and says: Hillary won't be a disaster, in all likelihood, even from your point of view. If she continues the center-left policies of Obama, we'll continue to have a good economy. We're un
