Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 45 Contra Krugman LIVE: Are We Just Like Milton Friedman? Where Austria and Chicago Differ
August 01, 2016

In this special episode of Contra Krugman, recorded live at the Mises Institute's Mises University summer instructional program for college students, Bob and Tom are joined by three other professors: Peter Klein (Baylor University), Lucas Englehardt (Kent

Ep. 44 Booming Stock Market Indicates Bad Times, Says Krugman
July 24, 2016

Is a rising stock market an indication of economic health? Not necessarily, says Krugman, and on that he's of course correct. But what accounts for rising stock prices today? He says a lack of alternative options for investors -- another way of saying the

Ep. 43 Krugman Says Investors Have Given Up Hope...So, What Happened to that Obama Recovery, Paul?
July 16, 2016

This week, Krugman considers several possible explanations for why long-term interest rates are so low around the world. The one he settles on: investors have concluded that the weak economy is the new normal, so to speak, so they're willing to accept low

Ep. 42 Without Government, Workers Are Doomed
July 09, 2016

This week, Krugman is unhappy that Donald Trump has earned a reputation as a defender of workers. How can he be, wonders Krugman, if he doesn't support Obamacare, more privileges for labor unions, higher taxes on the rich, and so on?

Ep. 41 Brexit and Liberty: Krugman Wrong Again
June 20, 2016

Krugman urges the British to remain in the European Union, and thinks free-market arguments against it are mere fantasy. In fact, British exit from the EU would be a great step forward for freedom, as Bob and Tom show in this week's episode.

Ep. 40 Krugman Shocked by GOP "Scandals," Not So Shocked at Destruction of Libya, Iraq
June 19, 2016

This week, Krugman suggests that the Republican Party attracts scammers and shysters who build email lists of gullible conservatives and then market fearmongering products or "get-rich-quick" schemes to them. Thank goodness the Democrats never do anything

Ep. 39 It's Easy to Fix the Slowing Economy: Try Something That's Never Worked, Says Krugman
June 12, 2016

Krugman admits the recent job numbers aren't so good, but says there's an easy solution: fiscal stimulus. Waiting for actual examples of successful fiscal stimulus? You won't find them in this column, and for good reason....

Ep. 38 When Businessmen Are Clueless About the Economy
June 05, 2016

This week, Krugman makes one decent point: successful businessmen aren't necessarily any good on economics. No argument there. Krugman doesn't quite get why his insight is true, but at least it's something. Bob and Tom discuss (1) why government can't be

Ep. 37 Our Most Brutal Takedown Yet: Krugman on the Clinton Economy
June 01, 2016

In this column, Krugman takes things to a whole new level. He tries to draw lessons from the Clinton boom in the 1990s, which he incorrectly says was better than the Reagan boom, even though he himself admits there are no applicable lessons from that boom

Ep. 36 LIVE FROM SEATTLE: Krugman's Greatest Hits
May 23, 2016

This episode was recorded before a live audience in Seattle on May 21, 2016, as part of the Mises Institute's event in Seattle. Krugman had been giving us thin gruel all week, but then, the day before the event, he gave us such a whopper of a column it wa
