Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 65 Did the Russians Hack the Election?
December 16, 2016

That sounds totally realistic and not at all like it was concocted by spooks.

Ep. 64 Why It's Impossible to Keep Only the "Good Parts" of Obamacare
December 11, 2016

Let's keep the part about covering pre-existing conditions, say Donald Trump and many other Republicans, and just get rid of the parts we dislike. Unfortunately for them, that can't be done.

Ep. 63 On Education, We Catch Krugman Telling the Exact Opposite of the Truth
December 03, 2016

In Krugman's column on cronyism and profiteering, Bob and Tom pay particular attention to the section on education, where Krugman discusses school vouchers and "privatization." Wait till you hear how Krugman summarizes the results of these policies....

Ep. 62 Krugman Desperate to Oppose Trump Infrastructure Stimulus
November 23, 2016

Funny: Krugman used to be happy about any kind of fiscal stimulus. But when it's a Republican doing it, he has to come up with a laundry list of reasons to oppose it. But his own economic theory virtually requires him to favor it, so we have a little fun

Ep. 61 Surprise: Krugman's Concerned about the Debt Again
November 20, 2016

Well, well, well: guess who's suddenly worried about the deficit and the debt! After just telling us that increasing the debt in any way for any reason would be a good thing, to boot!

Ep. 60 Krugman Copes With Trump: Special Guest David Stockman
November 12, 2016

Even though Donald Trump supports massive infrastructure spending financed by debt in order to put people to work (sound familiar), Krugman is of course horrified by the election result. This week we're joined by David Stockman, director of the Office of

Ep. 59 The Media's Tough on Hillary Because of Right-Wing Pressure, Says Paul "La-La Land" Krugman
November 06, 2016

The big problem this election cycle, according to Krugman, are all the media attacks -- on Hillary Clinton. The scandals surrounding her are manufactured out of nothing by the right wing. On Twitter last week, Krugman expressed his outrage at people who

Ep. 58 Only Idiots Worry About the National Debt
October 28, 2016

Krugman can't believe people who worry about the national debt are taken seriously. There are no serious budgetary or financing problems on the horizon, so if there's anything to be concerned about at all, that concern is surely misplaced today. Instead,

Ep. 57 Everything Is Awesome, So Why Are Trump and Ryan Complaining, Wonders Krugman
October 21, 2016

Both Donald Trump and Paul Ryan, each in his own way, spin crazy dystopian stories about America, says Krugman. Our country isn't perfect, but where are they getting these crazy ideas? We sort out who's crazy and whether things really are dystopian.

Ep. 56 LIVE from the Contra Cruise: How Krugman Wants to Make You Poorer
October 15, 2016

In this special episode recorded before a live audience on board the Contra Cruise, which Tom and Bob are hosting this week, your hosts take on Krugman on tighter fuel efficiency standards of automobiles, Krugman's anti-scientific statements on climate ch
