Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 75 Tax Cutting and Deregulation: It's a Myth That These Cause Economic Growth!!
February 25, 2017

Krugman says the Trump Administration is wrong to expect economic growth in the range of 3 to 3.5 percent a year. We look at Krugman's analysis of what does and doesn't cause economic growth -- and why he thought it was reasonable to expect 3 percent gro

Ep. 74 If Ignorance Is Strength, How Strong Is Krugman?
February 18, 2017

You know the drill: Krugman says Republicans--including but not limited to Donald Trump--are blithering idiots who are actually proud of their ignorance. There are plenty of right-wingers we dislike too, but as usual Krugman's claims are utterly biased. W

Ep. 73 Trade, Tariffs, Walls, and Trump
February 10, 2017

In this episode we talk tariffs, taxes in general, and whether business can really "pass on" a tax to consumers.

Ep. 72 Will Trump Make Manufacturing Decline Faster?
February 04, 2017

Donald Trump was elected in part to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States and reversing that sector's decline. Krugman says his program will do the exact opposite.

Ep. 71 Krugman: Things Are Going to Get Worse, and When They Do, My Opponents Will Manufacture Their Own Reality
January 28, 2017

Trump and his supporters live in a bubble and manufacture their own reality, says Krugman. That's Krugman talking, we remind you. Krugman is speaking about other people manufacturing their own reality. This from a guy who manufactures whatever reality co

Ep. 70 The Obama Years: A Libertarian Assessment
January 21, 2017

We decided to depart from our usual format this week, given the significance of the Obama-Trump transition, to look back at and offer some thoughts about the Obama years.

Ep. 69 This Is Why Our Podcast Exists: Krugman Literally Says Deficits Matter Again -- at the Very Moment a Republican Takes Over
January 10, 2017

Krugman actually had the nerve to write a column called "Deficits Matter Again." We demolish this column. We prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Krugman is simply a hypocrite, despite his protestations to the contrary. His reasons for why the deficit su

Ep. 68 Corruption: What Krugman Sees, and What He Pretends Not to See
January 07, 2017

Trump promises to be the most corrupt president in U.S. history, says Krugman, who offers hotel reservations as a key example. Democratic and bipartisan corruption is of course ignored. Oh, and two more times -- in a single column! -- Krugman links to som

Ep. 67 Protectionism Is Bad (but When Democrats Support It, Krugman Will Find Excuses)
January 03, 2017

Krugman disagrees with Trump's trade policies and thinks they're grounded in falsehoods (e.g., China as a "currency manipulator"). You'll never guess what Krugman has said in the past when Democrats have flirted with protectionist ideas....

Ep. 66 Krugman's a Little Late to Be Worrying About the Republic: His Analogies with the Ancient World Are Lame
December 23, 2016

So Paul Krugman is suddenly shedding tears over the fate of the republic. Of course, he cheered every step that brought us here.
