Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 85 Trump Is Terrible, and His Supporters Won't Admit It, Says Krugman
May 08, 2017

On the one hand, people are telling pollsters that they're bullish on the economy, but on the other, the economic statistics (like retail sales) aren't reflecting this kind of confidence. What's going on here? Krugman has a theory....

Ep. 84 Tax Cuts, Shmax Cuts: They're Overrated, Says Krugman
May 01, 2017

Krugman can't believe people still think tax cuts (particularly on "the rich," who of course pay most of the taxes) might have good and substantial effects on the economy, or that they could believe that the ensuing economic growth could make up some of t

Ep. 83 Why All the Talk About Manufacturing? Don't All Jobs Matter?
April 21, 2017

Krugman (correctly) wonders about all the emphasis on manufacturing employment, when many other perfectly honorable lines of work have also witnessed declines. Why the emphasis on manufacturing? Why, because white people tend to hold those jobs, says Krug

Ep. 82 Is Krugman Right About Syria?
April 13, 2017

Krugman says Trump's recent strike on Syria is typical of the man: a one-shot action masquerading as policy. He also says that Obama was right to stay out, since there was no clear way through the morass there. Special guest Daniel McAdams, executive dire

Ep. 81 Trump the President and Trump the Candidate Seem Rather Different
April 08, 2017

Krugman wonders what became of Trump's bluster about trade -- so far, the proposed changes to trade policy are minor. Bob and Tom discuss President Trump as compared to candidate Trump.

Ep. 80 When Krugman Struck Back at Bob on Business Cycles
March 31, 2017

This week (with Krugman discussing Obamacare yet again) we decided to hop into our time machine and revisit a golden oldie: Krugman's response to one of Bob's articles on capital theory and business cycles. Now that's an episode!

Ep. 79 Since Government Is Awesome, Where and Why Would You Cut the Budget?
March 24, 2017

Conservatives suffer from the delusion that government spending is generally waste that doesn't do anyone any good, says Krugman. Now that they're in power, they're seeing how great and important government is, and how much voters love it. So where are th

Ep. 78 If You're Not a Keynesian, You're Not Living in Reality
March 17, 2017

Krugman's opponents all live in a fantasy world where facts don't count. That's his dispassionate assessment of our present situation. He also can't believe anyone would think the Congressional Budget Office's reports might be politicized. Too bad he hims

Ep. 77 It's Easy to Criticize, But How Good Are Self-Proclaimed Free Market People at Devising Alternatives?
March 12, 2017

Republicans are now figuring out that really, the Democrats have been right all along, which is why it's so hard to devise a true alternative to Obamacare. That's Krugman's argument in this column. They're also flubbing the way they're corporate tax refor

Ep. 76 Has Obamacare Really Saved Lives? Plus: Now Krugman Knows How Libertarians Feel All the Time
March 05, 2017

We've covered Obamacare quite a bit on this podcast, but we had to address Krugman's claim -- advanced by many on the left -- that Obamacare has surely saved lives, and its repeal would undoubtedly involve the loss of life. Then we look at Krugman's worry
