Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 95 Do Economic Laws Have Expiration Dates?
July 17, 2017

Krugman reviews economic ideas that he says no longer apply today. Is there anything wrong with his thinking?

Ep. 94 The Disastrous Results of a Trade War
July 09, 2017

Is a trade war in the offing? There's plenty of protectionist talk coming from the White House. Will it "save jobs"?

Ep. 93 The Seattle Minimum Wage Policy Is a Disaster
June 30, 2017

The official study commissioned by the city of Seattle is painting a grim picture of the consequences of the minimum wage increase in that city thus far.

Ep. 92 Krugman Says GOP Policies Are Zombies and Vampires
June 24, 2017

Well well well, in a splash of serendipity, the one week Tom leaves the show in Bob's hands, Krugman devotes his column to zombies--and vampires. Specifically, the GOP idea that tax cuts on the rich are great for the economy is an idea that just won't die

Ep. 91 You Know Where There Won't Be a Shipwreck
June 18, 2017

Krugman says Trump is wrecking the ship of state: the president's worse than even his harshest critics warned. Trump's petty politics on health care is causing insurers to hike premiums, while his foreign policy moves indicate corruption and recklessness.

Ep. 90 Trump Has Destroyed the Planet!
June 11, 2017

Krugman wrote two columns in a row on Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Accord and the abdication of American leadership on climate change, and we reply to them both in this episode. Our thanks to Marcus Brown for the Contra Cruise jingle! Check o

Ep. 89 Risking the Planet?
June 03, 2017

Krugman says Donald Trump is all wrong to want to give regulatory relief to the coal industry. That industry can't ever be revived to where it was in the old days, says Krugman, and it would be silly to try, especially when all these abundant clean altern

Ep. 88 Krugman: Free Markets Are the Real Road to Serfdom!
May 27, 2017

This week Krugman complains that workers are becoming less free: Obamacare is in danger of repeal, and more and more workers are being required to sign noncompete agreements. These things limit people's choices, says Krugman, so in a very real sense they

Ep. 87 LIVE IN SEATTLE: Krugman Wrong on Everything
May 24, 2017

For the second time, we recorded a live episode of the show in Seattle. We hit health care, foreign policy, taxes, and more. Thanks to the energetic crowd!

Ep. 86 Krugman Warns Fellow Elites: We Are Under Attack
May 12, 2017

You probably know what Paul Krugman thinks of Brexit and Marine Le Pen, but in this column he urges European elites not to treat them as if they can be brushed aside. The populist wave is strong and real, says Krugman, and it's in part a response to the l
