Contra Krugman

Contra Krugman

Latest Episodes

Ep. 105 How Bad Is the Latest GOP Health Care Bill? (Includes Great Bob/Tom Banter)
September 24, 2017

The Graham-Cassidy bill is yet another version of Obamacare repeal -- but is that what it does? We cover the ongoing debate, with plenty of the usual fun.

Ep. 104 Another 9/11 Anniversary, and the Political Class Is Still Stupid (and/or Evil)
September 16, 2017

Krugman observes the anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, with a column about the unique wickedness of the Republicans, and no acknowledgment of the bipartisan War Party. Scott Horton joins us for some real history from those terrible days.

Ep. 103 Krugman Fair With Sessions? Keep DREAMing
September 09, 2017

Bob flies solo in this episode, as Tom & Family evacuate for the hurricane. Krugman makes some good observations about the economics of immigration, but (as usual) he misrepresents his opponents (while accusing them of being liars). Bob offers his own vie

Ep. 102 Hurricane Harvey, Climate Change
September 02, 2017

Krugman blames the destructiveness of the hurricane partly on climate change and partly on Houston's lack of zoning. We take these on, and also defend the "price gouger," who genuinely saves lives.

Ep. 101 Krugman: Trump and Republicans Plot Against Workers
August 25, 2017

Even if Republicans don't get their way on taxes or spending, don't be fooled, says Krugman: they have lots of other ways to make workers miserable.

Ep. 100 Ron Paul’s Guide to 2017
August 17, 2017

Ron Paul joins us as our special guest on episode 100! We cover health care, the Trump foreign policy, trade, the splintering of the “liberty movement,” and more. Enjoy!

Ep. 99 Krugman Doesn't Get What Happened in 2008
August 11, 2017

Krugman claims the downturn of 2008 was caused by inadequate "demand." The Austrians claim the downturn was more complicated: it involved problems in particular sectors that had been artificially expanded, not a system-wide problem of not enough spending.

Ep. 98 Do Krugman's Opponents Lie About Taxes, Health Care, and Everything Else? Or Is Krugman Just Dead Wrong?
August 04, 2017

Republicans are incorrigibly wrong on issue after issue, from taxes to health care, says Krugman. They have no respect for experts, for data, or for the truth itself. And yet it turns out that the guy who's wrong is...(you'll never guess).

Ep. 97 How Central Banks Hurt Regular People (LIVE from Mises U)
August 01, 2017

How do central banks hurt the common man? That's the theme of our discussion in this episode, recorded live at the Mises Institute's annual week-long instructional program for students. Professor Jeffrey Herbener of Grove City College and Ph.D. candidate

Ep. 96 Long Ago, Weren't Conservatives Better Than They Are Now?
July 21, 2017

On his blog, Krugman responds to fellow columnist Bret Stephens, who argues that the conservative movement has fallen a long way since the days of William F. Buckley. Krugman responds that the conservative movement was never any good, and never had any ki
