Continuity and Transformation in Islamic Law
Latest Episodes
Kocaları Zehirleyen Osmanlı Kadınları | Ebru Aykut
Original air date: 13 July 2014 | Tanzimat’in ilanıyla beraber gündelik hayatın pek çok alanına nüfuz etmeyi hedefleyen yasal uygulamalar eczane ve attar dükkanlarının tozlu raflarına kadar ulaşmayı başarmıştı. Bu bölümde Ebru Aykut, Tanzimat sonrası Osma
Inside Ottoman Prisons | Kent Schull
Original air date: 7 June 2014 | While humans have devised no shortage of ways to punish each other throughout history, the rise of the prison and incarceration as a method for dealing with crime is primarily a nineteenth century phenomenon. In this episo
Osmanlı'da Kadın Mülkiyet Hakları | Hadi Hosainy
Original air date: 2 February 2015 | Hadi Hosainy ile 17. yüzyıl İstanbulu'nda kadın mülkiyet hakları üzerine konuştuğumuz bu podcastımızda kadınların hukuki yollara başvurarak nasıl kendilerini koruduklarına ve Osmanlı toplumunun şeri hukukun kadını deza
Mulberry Fields Forever | Zoe Griffith
Original air date: 18 November 2013 | Inheritance and the transfer of property across generations connects the history of families to a broader analysis of political economy, particularly in societies where wealth and capital are deeply rooted in the eart
Galata and the Capitulations | Fariba Zarinebaf
Original air date: 8 February 2014 | The capitulations, a series of bilateral agreements with European states and merchants, are sometimes held up as symbols of early Ottoman concessions to European powers and the beginnings of Ottoman economic decline. T
British-Ottoman Diplomacy and the Making of Maritime Law
with Michael Talbot & Gne Iksel hosted by Arianne Urus and Sam Dolbee Download the episode Podcast Feed | iTunes | Soundcloud This podcast explores murky boundaries in two senses. The first ha
Pastoral Nomads and Legal Pluralism in Ottoman Jordan
Original air date: 25 July 2012 | Groups variously labeled as nomadic and tribal formed an integral part of Ottoman society, but because their communities exercised a wide degree of autonomy, they are often represented as somehow separate or "other" to ur
Legal Pluralism in Morocco | Jessica Marglin
Original air date: 18 February 2014 | Throughout most of the Muslim world, many of the affairs of religious minorities were historically governed by separate legal principles and courts, resulting in a state of legal pluralism. In practice, this created m
Illicit Sex in Ottoman and French Algeria
with Aurelie Perrier hosted by Sam Dolbee This episode is part of a series on Women, Gender, and Sex in Ottoman history Download the series Podcast Feed | iTunes | Soundcloud The association of Algeria with sex figured prominently in the artwork and liter
Yeni Çağ Osmanlı Hukuk Sistemi'nde Kadın Mülkiyet Hakları
Hadi Hosainy ile 17. yüzyıl İstanbulu'nda kadın mülkiyet hakları üzerine konuştuğumuz bu podcastımızda kadınların hukuki yollara başvurarak nasıl kendilerini koruduklarına ve Osmanlı toplumunun şeri hukukun kadını dezavantajlı bir konuma iten kurallar