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Is freedom just an illusion in America today?
September 07, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Is freedom in America real, or are we simply living under an illusion of liberty? I explore this question by examining the contrast between how things sho

Will the American people stand by while government actors steal our rights
September 06, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting different results. Yet, Americans seem to ignore history as government ac

A fundamental misunderstanding of the United States
September 04, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel The American peoples understanding of the Constitution is flawed, with many believing the federal government exists to protect and provide for them. Mean

If it weren’t for corrupt government, we’d have no federal government at all
September 04, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel If the Justice system isnt acting in some unjust manner, we find that some other federal department or agency is infringing on peoples rights. Censorshi

A funny thing happened on the way to the election
September 01, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel On the path to election day, Ive stumbled upon some unexpected and amusing discoveries. From an AI running for mayor in Wyoming to a proposed constitutio

Standing on the deck of the sinking Republic
August 31, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel The United States is sinking into despotism, tyranny, and communism, with the federal government continuously poking holes in the republic. While many sta

The feds control the decline of our education and medical care
August 29, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel The feds control our education and medical care systems, two areas where costs have gone up while quality has gone down. The federal government keeps inte

Progressing toward enslavement
August 29, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel As a nation, we must carefully consider the direction we're heading. Those who call themselves "progressives" advocate for a future that eerily mirrors de

America’s fall into Communism and Dictatorship
August 25, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel America is rapidly descending into a Communist Dictatorship. With secret police targeting dissenters, corruption at the highest levels, and the erosion of

A Communist in Democratic clothing
August 24, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Kamala Harris is set to impose communist policies if elected, threatening the very foundation of our Constitution and liberty. The Biden administration's