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Public health or political health
July 03, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Political agendas increasingly infiltrate public health. Biden integrates illegal aliens into Obamacare, Rachel Levine promotes the transgender agenda amo

How stupid do you feel?
June 30, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Were often told its not nice to call people stupid. Im not calling anyone stupid; Im asking if they feel stupid. Look around at the consequences of ou

The greatest threats to this nation do not come from outside but from within!
June 29, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Has anyone else noticed that, while claims of threats to our democracy come from both political parties, how often do they try to push power to the bureau

If, at first, you don’t succeed, just let government screw it up again
June 28, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Governments often respond to failures by throwing more money at problems instead of honest introspection. As Ronald Reagan said, "I'm from the government,

How bribery and intimidation fuel government power
June 28, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Governments today thrive on bribery and intimidation. They sway support with grants and programs or enforce compliance through regulations and lawsuits. M

Serving the lies and what it costs the American people
June 26, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Look at the news around us. A boy claims to be a girl, and most of our institutions simply cave in and follow the lie. A doctor points out the lie, and he

Two court decisions push back on Biden’s tyrannical executive branch
June 23, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Two recent court decisions challenge the overreach of the executive branch. Title IX's redefinition by the Biden administration and the ATF's bump stock b

Losing trust in the ’24 elections
June 23, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel The fundamental feature of a republican form of government is the people's trust in their elected representatives. Starting from the 2000 election to rece

Practicing medicine or just playing doctor
June 22, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel We all remember playing doctor as kids, but what happens when your real doctor feels more like an assembly line worker? From signing in to checkout, it's

Why the judges shall rule the earth
June 20, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Judges wield significant power, often in ways that challenge constitutional boundaries. Alexander Hamilton noted their intended limitations in Federalist
