Your Retirement Playbook

Your Retirement Playbook

Beginning A New Life After Work

January 14, 2021

What is a safe amount of money we can withdraw from our portfolio? If you are in your early sixties, you are looking at 3.2% that you can pull out with reasonable certainty that you will be okay. However, this is assuming that you have a financial manager that is managing your portfolio correctly. When you’re over 70, then you can pull out 4%. You can pull out more because you are not going to live as long. At this point, you have to be willing to accept and understand your level of risk tolerance. The worst thing that can happen is panicking when the market starts to crash. When is the best time to take social security? The longer you wait to take social security, the better it will work out for you, assuming that your health is in good order. The more money you have in tax-deferred accounts, the longer you are able to wait. Finances are a journey, and you have saved this money over an extended period. Remember not to use short-term thinking when it comes to your finances.