Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 128: Equal Rights and Special Rights, and the San Bernardino Shooting

December 14, 2015

The Irish approved a referendum to allow same-sex marriage in that country a few weeks ago. Because, you know, gays just want equal rights; they don’t want to take away anyone else’s rights, right? Wrong.

While reading through Twitter while the San Bernardino mass shooting incident was still happening, one “Twitterer” suggested that gun control is the answer because no citizen has ever stopped a mass shooting. Well, while that may be true, I prefer it when citizens stop a mass shooting before it starts, and a good case can be made that it happens a lot more often than the public is aware of.

Mentioned links:

Ireland Revokes Protections For Religious Freedom In Wake Of Gay Marriage Vote

Do citizens (not police officers) with guns ever stop mass shootings?

Over 100 MILLION Guns Sold in US Since Obama Became President

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Episode 26: An Effective, Time-Tested Solution to School Shootings

Show transcript

The Irish approved a referendum to allow same-sex marriage in that country a few weeks ago. Because, you know, gays just want equal rights; they don’t want to take away anyone else’s rights, right?


Recently the lower house of the Assembly of Ireland voted unanimously to repeal Section 37 of the state’s Employment Equality Act. Section 37 granted specific exemptions for “religious, educational or medical institutions” when it came to gay rights, allowing them “to maintain the religious ethos of the institution”. And some promise this is not the last step they’ll be taking.

Now, churches and other religious institutions must, by law, subject their teachings and their church-influenced employment requirements to the dictates of the state first, then, subordinate to that, to their religious beliefs. Where there is a conflict, the state trumps religion.

So we see that gays do not just want equal rights; they do, in fact, want special rights. They want validation by everyone, and want to criminalize disagreement. This is not equal; this is going way above and beyond.

This is intolerance. This is censorship. And it’s being done, not by the religious, but to them; precisely the opposite of what the Left has been fear-mongering for decades. They’ve been sounding the warning about the coming of a religious theocracy. Yes, well, welcome to the “atheocracy”; all the same ingredients as an actual theocracy, but with liberal politics. Taste it! You can hardly tell the difference!


If you listened to the last episode, you might have wondered why I was talking about the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting instead of the more recent San Bernardino shooting. Well, I write these episodes up early in the week usually, and the news doesn’t stop just because I have my script complete.

So I’m playing a little catch-up here. But once again, gun control is brought up by the Left as the big issue here; not radical Islamic terrorism, not ISIS, but the guns of law-abiding citizens. While reading through Twitter while the incident was still happening, one “Twitterer” suggested that gun control is the answer because no citizen has ever stopped a mass shooting.

When I pointed out one example of a guy who pointed his gun at a mall shooter, which was followed by the shooter killing himself,