Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 126: Civil Rights Act Updated, and the Tyshawn Lee Shooting

November 23, 2015

President Obama supports an update to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that would suddenly turn many churches into something similar to racist hate groups. Is this a good  idea?

And if you haven't heard of Tyshawn Lee, I think you should. You can't be blamed if you just watched the usual media sources. The story of this 9-year-old victim of another Chicago shooting made the news, but then just as quickly vanished. Where are the protests? Oh, that's not me asking, that's a black columnist, who has  a few other questions.

Mentioned links:

Obama: Traditional Christians = Racists

Obama supports altering Civil Rights Act to ban LGBT discrimination

Black Lives Matter In The Streets Of Chicago, Too…Or Do They?

Young Mom Shot in Home Invasion Fires Back, Protects Baby

Show transcript

In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed. It was a landmark law that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It ended segregation and guaranteed equal protection, and that’s what it’s done, mostly. There is still racism in America, of course, but it’s nothing like it was in 1964. And I’d argue, as long as humans are in the equation, and evil still exists, you’ll never truly eradicate it. Still, we do have a black President now, and the post-racial era is well underway.

Well, that’s how Obama described his election. Hasn’t worked out that way. But that’s another episode for another day.

What I’d like to point out now is how that President supports a change to the Civil Rights Act by adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the mix. What would this do? Well for one thing, it would allow men to use women’s bathrooms. If a man puts on a dress and claims to be a woman, this change in the law would allow him to do just that. Who are you to challenge his gender identity? I wrote a blog post on the podcast website after the recent election, and part of it was about Houston,Texas, where they voted down something similar by a 2-to-1 ratio. It was billed by its supporters to be more about equal rights, but opponents, by zeroing in on one of the results of this measure, showed that what is considered a “right” by liberals has expanded to the absurd. Houston recognized that.

Another effect would be on college admissions. By being given preferred minority status, the percentage of gender-confused people would become a diversity factor, and schools not doing enough would risk losing their federal funding.

And here’s a question; how many religious institutions would come under heavier scrutiny? What has happened to the Boy Scouts – that is, the dramatic loss of support in the culture at large – would now happen to those who attend traditional churches, synagogues and mosques. Well, maybe not mosques. Listen to the last episode to see how that might actually happen. But the point is, religious institutions that are, right now, being sued over not performing same-sex wedding ceremonies, or allowing their facilities to be used for them, would give a rather large club to those pursuing validation. Those institutions would be seen by the government in just the same way as racist groups are today.

And Democratic President Barack Obama approves of this. Now, it’s highly unlikely to pass with the Republicans holding majorities over both houses of Congress, but if a few elections go the other way, this could very well be in our near future.

I’m going to pick my battle here.