Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 124: “Diversity” on the Left, and Immoderate Moderators

November 09, 2015

Diversity! That’s the call of the progressive Left, as they seek to bring in people of all races and creeds into their circles. But here’s the thing they won’t admit to; their view of diversity is only skin deep.

The CNBC moderators of the recent GOP Presidential debate made themselves more the news story than the debate itself. "Gotcha questions" were the order of the ... evening. But the candidates gave as good as they got. President Obama tried to take a pot shot at their umbrage, but his joke fell really flat.

Mentioned links:

Academia’s Rejection of Diversity

Obama mocks GOP hopefuls for CNBC snit

Donald Trump's first debate question: 'Is this a comic-book version of a presidential campaign?'

Obama To O'Reilly: 'Of Course' Fox News Is Unfair To Me

Thank You, CNBC

Police: Concealed carry license holder kills armed gunman

Show transcript

Diversity! That’s the call of the progressive Left, as they seek to bring in people of all races and creeds into their circles. But here’s the thing they won’t admit to; their view of diversity is only skin deep. They say that different colors are great, and they are, but real diversity comes when we deal with, not just people who look different from us, but people who think differently than us. If we all think the same, getting past skin color is easy. But if we think differently, skin color is the least of our issues. Trying to work and get along with people who think differently from us is when true tolerance is put to the test.

So, you can only have true tolerance if you can get along with those who have ideas that challenge yours. A room full of people who are from different cultures, but who all want to watch the same TV show, doesn’t create much friction. But a room full of people of the same ethnicity, but have different entertainment preferences, could result in a war over the remote control. That’s the kind of diversity that tolerance is supposed to deal with.

And where do you find a huge concentration of liberal thinkers who, though they preach diversity, end up creating their own echo chamber? Academia. Give them the free reign to create their own diverse community, and you get this.
This year, a team of scholars from six universities studying ideological diversity in the behavioral sciences published a paper in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences that details a shocking level of political groupthink in academia. The authors show that for every politically conservative social psychologist in academia there are about 14 liberal social psychologists.

Why the imbalance? The researchers found evidence of discrimination and hostility within academia toward conservative researchers and their viewpoints. In one survey cited, 82 percent of social psychologists admitted they would be less likely to support hiring a conservative colleague than a liberal scholar with equivalent qualifications.
Only in the liberal academic’s mind is 1 out of 14 considered enough ideological diversity. And it sounds like 82% would prefer that be 0 out of 14. Yes, as long as you think like them and don’t challenge their ideas, they don’t care what color you are. How positively tolerant!

Longtime listeners will recognize my claim that, for the Left, it’s all about politics. Diversity is a goal only as a cover for their insistence on lock-step in thought.