Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 120: The Guns of Oregon

October 12, 2015

A few hours after the shooting at the UCC campus, President Obama, after his consoling words, broke out the fightin' words. Gun control was the issue, even before we knew all the facts.

And if you know all the facts, banning and confiscating guns hasn't worked as advertised, as much as the President put that forward as a solution. There are "common-sense solutions" out there. They've been proven to work. Does this country have the courage to try them? Or are we going to, again, pass bad legislation while emotions are high? That hasn't worked well before.

Mentioned links:

Transcript: Read the Full Text of Obama’s Statement on the Shooting in Oregon

Oregon College Gunman Identified As Chris Harper Mercer

Will Banning Guns Stop Homicides? Stats from England and Australia Show...

Gun Control category of "Consider This!"

Gun violence mars July 4th weekend in Chicago

Show transcript

On October 1st, 2015, Chris Harper-Mercer went onto the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, went into a classroom, and started shooting. As I record this, the death toll stands at 9. It shocked the nation, again. As it should. The President of the United States held a press conference to express condolences to the families of the victims, as he should. The problem was, he didn’t stop there. He followed up his comforting words immediately with fightin’ words.

Just 6 hours after the shooting, and when details about it were still very sketchy, President Obama came out with guns blazing, so to speak, pushing for more gun control. We didn’t know the name of the shooter, we didn’t know how he got the guns (as it turns out, completely legally), and we weren’t even sure of the casualty count. But none of that mattered to him. I understand and share his anger and frustration at the various mass shootings in this country, but even before we knew any relevant details, he was out there calling again for “common-sense gun-safety laws”.

This is a classic mistake that politicians of both parties make; jumping the gun, so to speak, in order to make political points while the emotions are high. They propose new laws in order to be seen as doing something, even if that something would have done nothing to solve the problem at hand. They try to get their agenda passed because something must be done, and this is something, so it must be done.

Those who despise the Patriot Act should realize that part of the reason it passed was because it was “something”. I think the Patriot Act has actually kept us safer, but it did indeed go too far in certain areas and needed to be scaled back. Passing gun control while emotions are high, and before we even know where our current laws failed, would make the same exact mistake. Keep that in mind. The President said that he thought this issue should be politicized. Sorry, but that’s the worst idea ever.

One thing I’m concerned about is that banning or confiscating all guns would result from a too-quick reaction. Now, before you say, “Come on, no one’s suggesting banning guns”, let me read you a quote from President Obama’s press conference.

We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.

So then, what were Great Britain’s and Australia’s answer to the problem?