Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 154: #AllBlackLivesMatter

September 19, 2016

When discussing the killings of blacks by cops, sometimes the subject of black-on-black murder comes up. In my experience, this is shot down as a “distraction”.
Let’s look at the numbers and see what a “distraction” it really is. And there’s another statistic that doesn’t come up in these discussions that puts all of these other issues to shame.
Mentioned links:
About the Black Lives Matter Network
The Myth of the Black-on-Black Crime Epidemic
Murder: Race and Sex of Victim by Race and Sex of Offender, 2011
Justifiable Homicide: by Weapon, Law Enforcement, 2007–2011
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States, 2011 [Wikipedia]
Reported Legal Abortions by Race of Woman Who Obtained Abortion by the State of Occurrence

Show transcript
In discussing some of the examples of police who have killed unarmed black people, the idea has been expressed to me that bringing up black-on-black crime in this context is beside the point, and a “distraction”. I’m almost dismissed out of hand, and considered racist by some, if I mention this. Sometimes I’m asked, “Well, what about white-on-white crime?” So I decided to put this episode together so that I, and perhaps some of you, can point to this as an explanation, rather than write it all out again.
So, let’s look at it this way. Let’s say I get all over the pressing issue of the use of eminent domain to take property away from people in Little Rock, Arkansas. I get on this issue and organize protests around the country about developers in Little Rock getting free reign to take property away from people with the help of the Little Rock city council.
Not a bad cause. It’s a real concern. But there are so many other places that have this issue, and organizing protests ought to bring awareness to the larger context, and not just Little Rock. While my nationwide group is busy focusing on Little Rock, thousands of other people are being victimized. Sure, that’s a problem, too, but … but Little Rock!!! Why are you diverting attention away from Little Rock, and those evil developers there??? It’s a distraction, I tell ya’!
Don’t tell me that putting more effort towards New Orleans would get a better bang for the buck just because there are more developers there taking way more property away. That’s a distraction! Don’t tell me that the Little Rock issue is a small minority of the problem. Do you not care about the folks there? It’s an epidemic in Little Rock.
And hey, if you want me to talk about eminent domain abuses nationwide, why don’t you talk about environmental issues caused by overdevelopment by those same developers? I don’t hear you saying anything about that. Don’t criticize me over protesting about Little Rock issues.
OK, so let’s step away from the hypothetical. Black Lives Matter is focused on black deaths by the state; the government. In fact, on their website, they say that violence by the state (that is to say, cops) is “genocide”.
You’ll see that word use quite a bit in protests; the killing of blacks by cops is “genocide”.