Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 152: The Collapse of Journalism, and a Huge Win for Religious Liberty

August 29, 2016

The end of journalism?
Writing in the New York Post, Michael Goodwin takes a rather troubling look at the state of journalism today, in light of the election coverage. He believes the industry is collapsing around us. The separation of news and opinion is breaking down. And I have a few thoughts to add to his.
Whatever happened to Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk from the state of Kentucky that asked for a religious accommodation for her beliefs? Turns out, she got what she wanted, and then some. Well, and then a lot.
Mentioned links:
American journalism is collapsing before our eyes
Case Closed – Kim Davis Has Won the Fight for Religious Freedom

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Show transcript
I have another contribution for the Consider This Vote segment, where listeners let us know what their big motivators are for voting this election season. This time, from the comments for episode 150, comes this from DocH.
Provocateur. Antagonist. Protagonist. You sure are the Triple-Threat with this topic. Well done, by the way.
I accept your challenge for creative input on the pending election and will meter appropriate responses to you over the next few weeks/months. I have so much to offer, but need to settle a bit and take the emotion out of the anticipated reply you have solicited, making it a little more soluble for the masses.
Here is my initial thought (thinks silently to self – – – AARRGGH!) #Always: Take the name and face off of the ballot. Vote the talent – not the cult of personality.
I encourage all who read and listen to ‘Pops’ Payton here to contribute to the best of their communicative talents on this topic. Too many folks in our society take the timid low road on big issues/...