Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 151: Abortion; Why the Supreme Court (and a Vote Against Democrats) Matters

August 22, 2016

Democrats: Keep abortion safe, legal, and frequent.
Last episode, I talked about why I’m voting for Donald Trump; because of the importance of the choice of Supreme Court justices. Here’s a closer look at one of the details as to why, and it goes more into why we’ll need to vote the platform rather than the person. When it comes to funding abortion, the Democrats simply aren’t pro-choice.
Mentioned links:
There’s Nothing “Pro-Choice” About a Democratic Platform Demanding Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
After-Birth Abortion: The pro-choice case for infanticide.
Hyde Amendment [Wikipedia]

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Show transcript
I got the first email for the Consider This Vote segment. I just announced this last episode so I’m impressed that I got a response so quickly; the day after the episode went out.
So here’s what Peaches in Wisconsin wrote in to say:
Just listened to your Episode 150 and I too have been struggling as to how to most effectively vote against Hillary. Just now, I have arrived at the beginning of a rationale.
I believe that both candidates have the capability and willingness to do grave harm to this country.
If Trump is elected, the media will dog his every move and statement so relentlessly that he may be unable to carry out his plans.  However, if Hillary is elected, her actions will get nothing but kudos and cover-ups from the media.
So that will be enough to me to hold my nose and vote for Trump.
Thanks for the podcast and best wishes.
Thanks for writing, Peaches. I tried to reply to you via email,