Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 150: The Main Reason Why I’m Voting for Trump

August 15, 2016

If you can’t vote the candidate, vote the platform.
Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton. That’s the choice we have this presidential election. Instead of hand-wringing about how we got to this point, I want to focus on the actual decision come November, what I’ve decided, and how I made that decision.
In my mind, neither is a good choice. There’s just no two ways about it. In the past, as a conservative, I’ve had to hold my nose and vote for guys like Mitt Romney or John McCain because the difference between them and their Democratic opponent was so wide, and had such awful policies (or promises of policies) that there was no contest in my mind.
With Donald Trump, I’m going to have to hold my nose, as well as a number of other body parts, because his policy promises today just don’t line up with what he’s said in the past. But I am going to vote for him. In this episode, I discuss the main reason why.
Mentioned links:
Six reasons Trump is still better than Clinton
Newly released emails raise questions about relationship between State Department and Clinton Foundation
50 GOP national security experts oppose Trump

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Show transcript
Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton. That’s the choice we have this presidential election. Instead of hand-wringing about how we got to this point – and there certainly has been a lot of that, and it’s worth trying to figure it out, and if I cover it, it’ll have to get its own episode – I want to focus on the actual decision come November, what I’ve decided, and how I made that decision.
In my mind, neither is a good choice. There’s just no two ways about it.