Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 148: The Cruz Missile

July 25, 2016

The Republican National Convention has wrapped up, with, of course, the nomination of Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President of the United States. There was all the usual pageantry and speeches, but this convention also lived up to its hype of being an unconventional convention.
Many of the Republican primary candidates just stayed away from the convention, including the host state’s governor, John Kasich, because they didn’t agree with many of Trump’s policies. But one did show up, and his speech dominated the news cycle. It didn’t have to, but it did mostly because of the reaction (actually, over-reaction) to it.
Mentioned links:
Exposed by Ted Cruz, They Are Angry

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Show transcript
The Republican National Convention has wrapped up, with, of course, the nomination of Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President of the United States. There was all the usual pageantry and speeches, but this convention also lived up to its hype of being an unconventional convention.
It started with some states trying to get a rule changed that might release the delegates from their required voting choices earlier than they would otherwise. The #NeverTrump crowd was trying to use this to see if they could get many delegates, who were obliged to vote for Trump even though they personally were against him, to get that chance to vote the way they wanted right from the first ballot. The rules vary from state to state, but generally the delegates must vote as the primary votes went in their state. If, however, no candidate has a majority after the first ballot, delegates are then released to vote the way they want to on the second, or for some states, the third ballot. However, the attempt failed to release them on the first ballot, and so Trump was nominated.
It was a rather disruptive segment of the convention. Some Democrats were getting out the popcorn to watch the Republicans implode, but I think this shows that, more so than on the other side of the aisle, Republicans are more willing to acknowledge that not e...