Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 147: The Law Is Dead. Long Live The King.

July 18, 2016

Too big to jail
If it wasn’t clear before, the rule of law is dead in this country. Oh, there are still laws, and you can still be arrested for them, but if you’re part of the political elite, they just don’t apply to you anymore. And there are so many of them, and they are so complex, that you probably break the law many times a day without even noticing it.
“I have nothing to hide”, you might say, and it may be true. But if someone wants to find something, they easily can. But, depending on who you are, it doesn’t matter if they find something; they can shout your guilt to the world, but you will not pay the price.
Yes, this is something of a downer episode, but it needs to be said.

Mentioned links:
Quote / CounterQuote
The Federalist No. 62
FBI boss Comey’s 7 most damning lines on Clinton
Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton’s email defenses
Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead (Matt Walsh)
Here Are 35 Email Lies Hillary Is Still Telling On Her Campaign Website
“A Republic, if You Can Keep It”

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Show transcript
The law is dead. It may have been ailing for quite a while, but recent events demonstrate just how dead it really is.
Founding Father John Adams said that ours was a government of laws, not men. By that he meant that we were ruled by the laws of the land, not a king or an emperor, or anyone else who was above the law.