Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 144: Chicago Breaks a Record, and a Prophet From the 90s Proven Right

June 13, 2016

Who could have predicted this? Well, someone did.
The city of Chicago hit something of a record in May of 2016, but it’s not one they’re proud of. If we’re really concerned about what’s going on there, we need to have all the facts at our disposal, and we need to consider that perhaps doing more of the same will only get us more of the same.
A “prophet” made a prediction back in the 1990s, and now we’re here seeing that, yes, he was right. But will people listen to his advice (which, to be honest, wasn’t original with him), or are we too set in our ways to change?
Mentioned links:
Fatal shooting of boy, 15, closes deadliest May in Chicago in 21 years
20 years later, it turns out Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms (Note this is from 2012. I did not mention the year in the podcast, making it seem more recent than it was. However, the issue is the same today.)

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Show transcript
Chicago hit something of a record in May of 2016, but it’s not one they’re proud of. In that month, the most number of homicides occurred since 1995; 21 years ago. And the first five months of this year were the deadliest since 1999.
As you know, if you’ve listened to this show for any length of time, I often point out that places with the strictest gun controls laws – places like Chicago, and Washington, DC – aren’t doing too well as poster children for their policies. If the law worked so well, why are those very places hotbeds for gun violence? After all, gun deaths are a big part of these statistics. For the third year, shootings have increased in Chicagoland.
But you don’t hear that on the evening news. You don’t hear that during the Memorial Day weekend, 6 people were killed and 63 wounded. You don’t hear that during Mother’s Day weekend, 50 people were shot and 8 died.