Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 142: A Study of Racism Among Police, With Some Surprising Results

May 30, 2016

Is there racism among cops, and how does it affect their job?
A study has come out (again; it’s been done twice before) that proves there is racism among police officers. But there is a surprising result of that racism.
You’ve no doubt seen the incidents and the resulting protests, and the claims that those incidents are indicative of the system in general. But are they? Do cops have one trigger for blacks and another for whites?
This study may turn some assumptions on their head. It sure did for me. Please take the time to listen to something I’m quite sure you’ve not heard elsewhere. It’s worth the time to consider this.
Mentioned links:
This study found race matters in police shootings, but the results may surprise you

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Show transcript
Yes, I’m going to discuss race issues again. That’s always a touchy subject, but I’m trying to bring information to the table that you might not have heard elsewhere. I certainly hadn’t until I read this article in that media organ of the vast right-wing conspiracy; the Washington Post.
Washington State University has done a study of cops, using highly realistic police simulators, in which actors in various scenarios approach and respond to officers on large, video screens in an attempt to recreate critical situations on the street. The officers are equipped with real guns, modified to fire infrared beams rather than bullets, and the scenarios can branch into conflict or cooperation, depending on the officers’ words and actions.
This is the third time that these researchers have conducted this study to test how officers react to white and black suspects, testing for racial bias. And all 3 times, here’s what they found; officers took significantly more time to fire their weapons if the subject was black.
Excuse me? Is this counter to the experience of many people? It would seem so. What about the Michael Brown incident? What about the Tamir Rice incident? Indeed, what about them,