Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 141: We Can’t Pay Off Our Debt, Not With All the Money in the Country

May 16, 2016

Can we get out from under our debt?
Sure, the US has a lot of debt, but if we really worked at it, paying it off a little at a time, couldn’t we pay it off and be debt-free, avoiding a Dave Ramsey intervention? Actually, the answer is, “No”. It is mathematically impossible, given the size of the debt, how much money there is in the country, and how we can’t possibly get the budget under control. Confused? You won’t be after listening to this episode.
And charter school; we know what the political parties think of them, but what do parents think? Actually, they love them, or they want them. And if you’re Hispanic, Black, or poor, you really want them. Find out in this episode just how badly they want them.
Mentioned links:
It Is Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off All Of Our Debt
What are parents thinking about charter schools?
Charters Score in Cities

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Show transcript
I stumbled across a very interesting article that I want to bring to your attention. It is, of course, linked to in the show notes, but here’s the gist of it.
It is mathematically impossible to pay off all our debt. That’s the gist and, coincidentally enough, the title. But wait, you say, can’t we just pay down a little bit at a time and, eventually, pay it all off? Well, there are 2 reasons this won’t work.
The first is the size of the US debt. It’s currently 18 trillion dollars. How much is 18 trillion dollars? This article makes a very interesting comparison, and it’s worth considering. Let’s think about all the money there is in the US, that is, physical cash, and checking accounts. Investors refer to this kind of money as M1. It’s very liquid, in that it either is cash, or it can be converted into cash quickly. So how much M1 money is there in the entire country; every person’s and corporation’s?...