Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 139: The North Carolina “Bathroom Bill”, and Paying Your Fair Share

April 25, 2016

It’s your right to avoid NC. Baby, you were born to run.
Listener Brandon Klenzendorf asked me in the “Consider This!” Facebook group if the North Carolina so-called “bathroom law” was a similar situation to Georgia, and from the looks of it, and the reaction to it, yup, it’s pretty much the same thing. The only difference is that North Carolina got the law passed. And of course, there are those using their right to choose how to run their business to protest the idea that N. Carolina business should be allowed to … choose how to run their businesses.
Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes? Since we’ve passed April 15th — the day that Americans settle up with the Federal government for their 2015 taxes — now’s a good time to find out who pays what. How much do the top 1% really pay of our federal tax revenues?
The 2016 Podcast Awards are taking nominations, so here’s what you can do. Go to and put this show in the News & Politics category. The show name is Consider This, of course, and the URL is You can only submit the nomination form once, so if you have other shows you’d like to nominate, fill them in as well before submitting it. Nominations close Saturday, April 30th at midnight, so do it this week.
Mentioned links:
The True ‘Trauma Trigger’ That the North Carolina Bathroom Bill Is Designed to Prevent
Petition: Springsteen Cancelling Concert is Like Bakers Refusing to Make Gay Wedding Cakes
Michael Moore’s NC boycott hypocrisy DESTROYED with a single tweet
No, Gays and ‘Transgenders’ Are Not Being Bullied. They Are The Bullies.
Americans Earning Six Figures or More Pay Nearly 80% of Individual Income Taxes
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

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