Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Consider This! | Conservative political commentary in 10 minutes or less

Episode 136: Interview with Erick Erickson, Author of “You Will Be Made to Care”

March 14, 2016

In this episode, I'm thrilled and honored to be interviewing Erick Erickson, conservative blogger, radio talk show host, and author of the book "You Will Be Made to Care: The war on faith, family, and your freedom to believe". I talk with him about the book and the loss of religious liberty we're seeing in the US, about who this affects, what the underlying cause is, and where the solution starts.

Questions include:

Does this just affect people on the Right? Don't most people believe in religious liberty?
What is the core problem that is causing this erosion of religious liberty? Is it primarily a political issue, or not?
Would Jesus bake a cake for a same-sex wedding? Shouldn't Christians?
If the courts can take away our freedom with just 5 votes, how do we reclaim control of our freedom?

Mentioned links:

The Resurgent

The Erick Erickson Show on WSB radio, Atlanta, GA

Buy "You Will Be Made to Care"

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Episode 85: Religion, Politics, and Policy, at College and at the Mall
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