Orgasmic Living

Orgasmic Living

Latest Episodes

Vulnerability as a Source for Orgasmic Living
January 23, 2020

In the tools of Access Consciousness, we talk about vulnerability as the willingness to see everything about everyone including you. It’s about being able and willing to receive all the information. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Vulnerability as the Source for Living Orgasmically
January 23, 2020

What is vulnerability? How can having it lead you to live more orgasmically?

Trusting You
January 17, 2020

Trusting you! We are still in the first couple of weeks of 2020.   There's a lot of stuff out in the world about being a new version of yourself.  All of this energy around the new year may set you off on a journey of creating yourself differently.

Trusting You
January 17, 2020

Patty dives deep into what trusting you, your body and the Universe cal look like so you CAN actually create this year as your best year so far!

Does Orgasmic Living Include Choosing?
January 13, 2020

Does orgasmic living include choosing? Let me ask you these questions…AND be honest! Are you happy? Over the top elated in your life?  Do you feel like you are really living life to the absolute fullest? 

Are You Too Much?
January 10, 2020

What is too much? Anything more than the limited amount of energy that someone else is willing to have is too much. Dr. Din Heer gave me this explanation and it enlightened me on this question! So how do you live your life based on that concept?

The Gift of Gratitude
January 07, 2020

A favorite quote of mine by Gary Douglas is, “where there is gratitude judgment cannot exist.”  Judgment what is it, really? The energy of judgment is a contraction of energy.  It's everything that you've decided is right, wrong, good or bad.

Does Orgasmic Living Include Choosing?
January 05, 2020

Are you orgasmically happy or are you a zombie? This is YOUR life! Are you creating it the way you desire it to be? In this episode of Patty shares three easy tips to get you out of zombie land and into orgasmic creation!

Are You Too Much?
December 22, 2019

Does orgasmic living include... being too much? Of course, it does! But, what is "too much"? And should you let it stop you?

The Gift of Gratitude
December 04, 2019

What is judgment? What is gratitude? Which energy will create more for you and your life? What's the difference between doing gratitude and being gratitude?
