Connected Social Media

Connected Social Media

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Subscription Businesses Grow During Pandemic
March 16, 2022

The pace of innovation and change has affected not only technology development but the business models that make those technologies available. The subscription model – which has been around since 17th

Can Changing How We Think about Addiction Lead to More Effective Treatment?
March 11, 2022

The United States is experiencing an addiction crisis with historical levels of drug overdose deaths, prompting increased urgency to treat addiction with both evidence and empathy. During this episode

2021-2022 Intel IT Annual Performance Report – 20th Edition
March 09, 2022

Intel has long been at the forefront of radical innovations that have revolutionized the way we live and work – beginning with the development of the first microprocessor, transforming the world as we

Security Isn’t Something to Set and Forget
March 04, 2022

In this podcast, David Hake, UC Berkeley lecturer and co-founder of Resilience Insurance, talks about the rise and spread of cyberthreats facing governments, enterprises and individuals. “Every compan

A Path to Cloud: How to Approach Hybrid vs. Multicloud
March 04, 2022

In this third episode of Intel’s Path to Cloud series, Phil Vokins, Cloud Services Director with Intel Americas is joined by experts Chandra Chitneni, Networks Principal Engineer and Sridhar Mahankali

AI in Gaming: Empowering Game Developers
February 28, 2022

In the gaming world, artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be a game-changer. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing game-player’s experiences. Amongst other capabilities, Artificial intellige

Are Psychedelics the Next Big Breakthrough in Mental Health Treatment?
February 25, 2022

While once deemed to have no medical value, there’s currently a race underway to study and gain FDA approval for the use of psychedelics as a mental health treatment. In this episode of the Business G

Explore the Tiny Universe Researchers See in Topsoil
February 23, 2022

The world’s farmland is in crisis. The earth is not creating enough new fertile soil to mitigate what our agricultural activity is losing. According to the U.N.’s Food and Agricultural Organizat

IT@Intel: Increasing EDA Performance and Throughput with the Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family
February 17, 2022

IT Best Practices: Intel IT operates 56 data center modules at 16 data center sites. These sites have a total capacity of 103 megawatts, housing more than 360,000 servers that underpin the computing n

IT@Intel: Secure Cloud Printing and Imaging
February 17, 2022

IT Best Practices: Intel employees expect easy-to-use, seamless and effective printing. Intel IT has the responsibility to find the most cost-effective, secure and technically viable solution. Marryin