Connected Families Podcast

Connected Families Podcast

Latest Episodes

How to Be a Great Grandparent to your Grandkids (and Their Parents!)
June 24, 2024

Two grandmothers, Dijea Young and Cindy Stonestreet (who also happen to be Connected Families Certified Parent Coaches) chat about the role of play in grandparenting and how theyre learning to be gre

Joyful Kids: What's the Secret?
June 16, 2024

Chris Coursey, author of 4 Habits of Raising Joy-Filled Kids, joins us to discuss why joyful kids are joyful and what you can do. Do you feel like youre often focused on problems and operating out of

The God of Play: Joyfully Embrace the Playful Side of God With Your Kids
June 10, 2024

Today, we talk with Joy Wendling, Connected Families Certified Parent Coach and founder of Created to Play, about helping kids come to love God wholeheartedly. Faith can sometimes feel serious or head

How to Play with Kids Like a Therapist Would
June 03, 2024

Two therapists chat about the benefits of play and how to incorporate play therapy into your familys routine. The end goal: More connection with your child and a more regulated child. Its a win-win!

Stories of Transformation… from “Fixing” to Connecting
May 26, 2024

We chat with Lindsay Fauver, a mom from the Connected Families community, about her parenting journey with a child who experiences anxiety, sensory challenges, and challenging behaviors. Lindsay share

How Authentic Community Can Equip Parents to Thrive
May 19, 2024

In this meaningful conversation, we talk to dads Matt Norman (author and President & CEO of Norman & Associates) and Jim Jackson (Connected Families Co-Founder) about their experiences with authentic,

My Co-Parent Sees Things Differently
May 12, 2024

What do you do when you disagree with your partner about how to parent? Perhaps it is even causing a rift in your family. You feel strongly about how to parent your kids but feel stuck on knowing how

What Causes You to Micromanage Your Kids?
May 05, 2024

Listen in as we talk with Chad Hayenga (Connected Families Director of Education and Equipping) about parental anxiety and micromanagement, and how these can negatively impact your relationship with y

Make-It-Right Consequences for Kids
April 28, 2024

Start teaching your kids the first steps toward reconciliation and restoration by using make it right consequences in their relationships. Parent coach Amy Nyvall shares personal stories illustratin

Segundo Episodio en Español! Principios para la crianza de una familia conectada, parte 2.
April 27, 2024

Escucha este segundo episodio especial del pdcast de Connected Families! Donde Luisa Wendt entrevista a Esther y Roberto Reich acerca del marco de referencia de Connected Families. Los tres son ases
