Congressional Dish

Congressional Dish

Latest Episodes

Thank You Indentured Firefighters
August 28, 2020

In the middle of a historically intense week, Jen records this bonus “thank you” episode to thank Congressional Dish producers and rant about the state of the country. Topics include fires, murders, riots, strikes, COVID, and a surprisingly...

CD219: Oversights of CARES
August 16, 2020

COVID still rages, CARES Act provisions have expired, and Congress is on another vacation. In this episode, by piecing together information discovered in six CARES Act oversight hearings, find out what problems weren’t solved by the CARES Act, what...

Thank You John Lewis
August 14, 2020

In this bonus "thank you" episode, Jen shares a goodbye letter from Rep. John Lewis, updates the list of the COVID infected in Congress, and reads lots of excellent, information rich comments from the Congressional Dish producers. Please Support...

CD218: Minerals are the New Oil
July 31, 2020

Rare earth minerals are essential ingredients for many of the technologies that are important today and will be key in the future. In this episode, we learn about a new global economy being created around rare minerals and how the United States can...

Thank You COVID Travelers
July 25, 2020

In this bonus thank you episode, Jen is feeling like it's March all over again and discusses options for continuing life and travel during the never ending COVID crisis before thanking the Congressional Dish producers. She also recalls getting...

CD217: Proxy Voting
July 13, 2020

The House of Representatives is now allowing absent members to vote via members who are physically present on the House floor, in a process called proxy voting, for the first time in US History. In this episode, we examine the unnecessary,...

Thank You COVID-Move
July 03, 2020

Jen just moved to Southern California to join her family in a COVID-safe life pod. In this bonus "thank you" episode, she updates you on how moving went during a pandemic spiced with nationwide protests, and the producers of the show are thanked for...

CD216: Dingleberries Against Police Brutality
June 14, 2020

In response to the horrific murder of George Floyd and the worldwide protests against police brutality that followed, the House Democrats wrote the Justice in Policing Act. The provisions in this bill are our best chance for real change in the 116th...

CD215: COVID-19 Testimony
May 31, 2020

When Congress (finally) returned from their COVIDcation, experts in medicine, vaccine development, law, and business testified under oath. In this episode, hear the highlights from 17 hours of that expert testimony during which you'll learn about a...

Thank You Stupid Bay of Pigs
May 30, 2020

In this bonus "thank you" episode, Jen provides some updates on recent bills including the HEROES Act and the reauthorization of the USA Freedom Act followed by a promised summary of the attempted coup in Venezuela. Also in this episode is a perfect...