Congressional Dish

Congressional Dish

Latest Episodes

CD054: Hidden Data Act
November 22, 2013

A bill marketed as for "transparency" appears to keep information secret from the public and gut an oversight board. Taxpayers treat a group of Representatives to an expensive Summer getaway. Cocaine.

February 01, 2013

A quick fact check followed by an introduction to ALEC, the association of lawmakers and corporations working together to write bills.

CD011: No Budget, Still Get Paid
January 26, 2013

Lobbyist Jo Ann Emerson quits Congress early, the House votes to temporarily suspend the debt ceiling and probably-not postpone their own paychecks, and the Brineys drunkenly ramble on a Friday night.

CD010: House (Finally!) Votes On Sandy Aid
January 18, 2013

Before the House (finally) agreed to give recovery money to Hurricane Sandy victims, they made new rules for the 113th Congress, including more private jets for themselves and less rights for gays. Then, despite Republican efforts to short them, the House

CD009: What’s In the Fiscal Cliff Bill
January 04, 2013

The back story on the "fiscal cliff" debacle, the House's sad excuse for a compromise, and the contents of the fiscal cliff bill that became law on 1/3/13.

CD008: NDAA for 2013
December 22, 2012

Congress passes the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013; highlights include lots of money for other countries, a continuation of indefinite detention, Christmas gifts given to Northrup Grumman and other campaign contributors, and rules will finall

CD007: The Realities of Solar Power
December 14, 2012

Doing nothing, literally, is planned until 12/28 and a special guest helps filter fact from fiction in regards to solar power.

CD006: A Shortened Week in Congress
December 07, 2012

Rep. Jo Ann Emerson quits Congress to become a lobbying titan, the Coast Guard is funded, Louie Gohmert votes for 'lunatic', GOP confuses net neutrality, and a crisis is engineered during a short week in Congress.

CD005: Lame Ducks Return
November 30, 2012

During another slow week in Congress, Jesse Jackson Jr. resigns, Nydia Velazquez (NY) ignores a subpoena, the Department of Homeland Security gets investigated, the Senate fights about filibusters, and the Trans-Pacific-Partnership is confirmed as real, s

CD004: Screw You E.U. & Give Me My Inhaler
November 17, 2012

During a slow week in the House of Representatives, inhalers are given relief, airlines are forced to ignore a European carbon law, and trade with Russia is "normalized."