Congressional Dish

Congressional Dish

Latest Episodes

CD074: The March Bills
July 04, 2014

This episode highlights the bills that passed the House of Representatives in March, including a bill that allows toxic mountaintop removal waste to be dumped in streams, a bill that skips environmental reviews for new nuclear power plants, a bill that wa

CD073: Amtrak
June 24, 2014

In this bonus episode, we look into the state of passenger rail service in the United States by examining the history and current condition of Amtrak, the only choice for passenger rail service in the nation.

CD072: The February Bills
June 03, 2014

Catching up the the bills that passed the House of Representatives in February, this episode details a bill designed to keep campaign donors secret, a bill to make all regulations more difficult to enact, a bill that makes unlocking your cell phone legal,

CD071: Our New Laws
May 17, 2014

In this episode, we look at all the important bills that become laws since the start of 2014, including a law that might cost you thousands of dollars per year, a law that ends public financing of political party nominating conventions, and a law that Pre

CD070: New Flood Insurance Law
May 03, 2014

In March, the President signed into a law some changes to our flood policy law. What is our flood policy law in the United States? How did we change it? Are the changes good?

CD069 Giving Away Your Land
April 17, 2014

In February, the House passed a package of ten bills that give away or sell Federal land, most of them so that private interests can use our land for profit.

CD068: Ukraine Aid Bill
April 04, 2014

We have a new law! President Obama signed a bill loaning a billion dollars and giving another $150 million to Ukraine. In this episode, we find out exactly what's in it and why we are giving money to Ukraine - and other countries in Central and Eastern Eu

CD067: What Do We Want In Ukraine?
March 27, 2014

The United States appears prepared to restart the Cold War and loan at least $1 billion of our tax money to Ukraine through the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Why? In this episode, we look at what we're asking for in Ukraine in return for our generosi

CD066: A Hunter’s Point of View
March 21, 2014

In early February, the House passed a package of eight bills that are supposed to appeal to hunters and fisherman. For this episode, Jen is joined by Cody Herman, host of Day One Outdoors and owner of Day One Outdoors adventure tour company, who helps Jen

CD065: Federal Intervention in California Water Rights
March 08, 2014

On February 5, the House of Representatives passed a bill that takes away California's right to divide its dwindling water supply. The bill forces California to take water away from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta and give it to Agribusiness in the S