Confessions of a Lifestyle Preneur: Lifestyle Business Advice to Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur & T

Confessions of a Lifestyle Preneur: Lifestyle Business Advice to Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur & T

CLP 048 – Meredith Hill: Profit From Your Passion For Travel and Adventure

January 07, 2015

In today's episode we speak with Meredith Hill of Meredith shares how you can profit from your passion for travel and adventure.

Meredith left her job as a bond analyst on Wall Street to pursue her passion in travel.

Although she enjoyed work, she was not passionate about the subject.  As a result, she figured out what she was passionate about and left her job to pursue a career in travel.

Meredith spent five years at a travel agency learning how to book travel while educating herself on the business.

Today, Meredith educates other travel entrepreneurs on how to be successful travel business owners. She learned very early in her business that experts make more money.

According to Meredith, it's important to specialize in one thing in order to be really successful in your business.

Big Tip:  Pick something you're good at, specialize in it and establish yourself as an expert.
The day I decided to stick to a specialty… 12 months later I quadrupled my business income.
Meredith believes you have to tap into your entrepreneur power and "OWN" your value.

Strategies from her book How to Monetize Your Passion for Travel :
1. Stretch Yourself
It's important to go outside of your comfort zone if you want to attain success. All of your goals and accomplishments are outside of your comfort zone. Create a habit of stretching yourself and finding other people who could stretch you as well.
2. Stay focused
As an entrepreneur it's important to stay focused on your goals. Most of us see things that we want to include in our business to make our business better. However those things can often set us off track.

Establish very clear goals and stay focused on the goals.
 3. Track your numbers
Your numbers tells you where you are. You won't know where you're going unless you know where you are in your business and your numbers tells you...

What Keeps Meredith Motivated?

She is motivated by the idea of helping those with whom she comes in contact. Knowing that she can make a difference in someone's life.  "Knowing that I have a brilliance and when I share it, they can make a difference in peoples lives"

According to Meredith, if you have a true passion for travel, you have a brilliance that you can share with others and make a difference in their lives.
Action Steps for Lifestyle Entrepreneurs
1. Do Your Numbers
Try and figure out how much money you need to run your business for an entire year. Include everything in that number. Document everything, from your travel expenses, business marketing expenses and even your pay.

Once you know that number. Then you have an understanding of what it is you need to run your business. Establish that number as your revenue goal.
2. Create A Compelling Core Message
Find out what you are an expert at and own it.
3. Establish Marketing Systems
Establish marketing systems to get yourself out there and build your brand.  Your marketing systems serve two purposes:

List building
Relationship building

Establish marketing systems for both relationship building and list building. Practice them for an entire year and watch your business grow very quickly.

Learn more about Meredith Hill by visiting:

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