Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-06 | L.E.A.P. – Live from the 2018 ACAMIS Tech Conference

October 23, 2018

Today we are live from the Western Academy Beijing auditorium, home of the 2018 ACAMIS Technology Conference! Our audience is made up of our wonderful colleagues working in international schools throughout China and Mongolia, and I will add that they have not been paid to be here. So, either they somehow actually chose to be here in a moment of extremely poor judgement or they collectively took a wrong turn on the way to the exit. Either way, we’re ever so glad they’re here.
Lessons Learned
Chris - When you plan for sub coverage for a conference double check the date you told the sub to show up.

Daniel - Craig Kemp’s keynote stands out: School’s  Digital Learning Model “To integrate technology purposefully and authentically….start with the WHY and establish Non-Negotiables with Consistency.  (Apple Certified Teacher and Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Teacher)

Dennis - If you need students to record their voice and want to minimize the noise in your classroom, the solution can be found on Taobao.  Kudos to Casey Koschmeder who found these retro telephone handsets.  Want to look awesome? You need one of these.
Fun Fact(s)
Why is the leap day always in February? Well, because it only has 28 days. When Julius Ceasar reformed the calendar he added two months, July (named after himself) and August. At that point February had 30 days in it. When Julius was eventually followed by Augustus, Augustus Caesar thought his month was as worthy as July so he ordered that two days be taken from February. So blame him for the silly mnemonic device we have to learn.
Notes & Links
ACAMIS THEME: L.E.A.P. (Learn, Engage, Apply, Personalize)

LEARN - What have you learned at the conference? (Audience Poll)  Here is a sampling of the audience shares…

“I am using next week!” Kendal Reilly
“Sphero Mini” - Benjamin Bin
“Dollar Street and Dear Delta” - Lina Farrow
“Gap Minder, Nearpod” - Steve Stander
“New tools for formative assessment!” Sarah Wenn
“Mindshow synchronous/asynchronous VR collaborative recording software. It’s also free! ” - Jenny Sabin & Richard
“Google Lit Trips & Google Earth” - Adam Amster
“Classcraft” - Hui
“Digging into to Unity to program MergeCube” - Ben Leung
“I love Anchor if you’re interested in starting a podcast at your school. Free.” - Sandra Chow
“Relationships Matter - (connect them to the world!)” - Jason Kaiser
“” - james Dyson
“Squishy Circuits and Sketch-Notes” - Annie
“AR Yearbook”- Irwin
“” - Mel Varga
“Tapping into Twitter for expertise and sharing own learnings” - Victor
“I programmed my first robot!” - Tori Greene

Thanks to all who participated in our WeChat.

ENGAGE - How do you use technology to engage learners?

SPECIAL GUEST: Aaron Foster - High School AP Environmental Science Teacher at Nansha College Preparatory Academy. Recently finished Masters in Game Based Learning.

APPLY & PERSONALIZE - It’s not about you.

Oh, The Things That You Know (text)

Oh, The Things That You Know (Ensemble Video Link) (Google Video Link)