Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-03 | Social Media, Social Life, and Teenagers

September 21, 2018

“Those kids are ALWAYS on their devices!”  But what are they doing? A new report shared by Common Sense Media this week sheds some light on teens and social media - what they’re doing now, compared to what they were doing just 6 years ago.  And since teens always seem to be ahead of the curve on Social Media, what they’re doing today might predict what we will be doing tomorrow.
Lessons Learned
Chris - “We will seize standards-based objectives in data-driven schools.” “We will disintermediate inquiry-centered professional learning communities across spatial and temporal scales.” “We will maximize college and career ready outcomes for our 21st Century learners.” These and more at


Daniel - Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting. - Joyce Meyer ~ American Author

Read more at:


Dennis - Check your shared folder ownership on Google Drive.
Fun Fact(s)
Facebook Speaks Pirate - go to language settings and select English (Pirate)

International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day is September 19th.
Notes & Links
Research Findings published by Common Sense Media called  “Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences”


Notable observations (Dennis):

Teens with smartphones went up from 41% to 89%
Facebook as primary social media went from 68% to 15%
Beating Facebook for media use is

Snapchat (41%)
Instagram (22%)

Teens on when you they Facebook, “When I talk to my grandparents”.

Notable Observations about Face-to-Face communication (Dennis)

Preferred method of communication

Face-to-Face:  drops from 49% to 32%
Texting:  up from 33% to 35% (surpassing F2F)

A large proportion of all teens (44 percent) say they get frustrated with their friends for being on their phones so much when they’re hanging out together


Notable observations (Daniel):

The term ‘ghost’ - a person that looks at your pictures on your Instagram and doesn’t really like it or doesn’t comment on it, or basically doesn’t really notify you that they’re there.
The Washington Post reported last week that Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June.


Joe Rogan Experience Podcast - Elon Musk -