Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-04 | I Need to Stop Doing That

October 09, 2018

Is it possible to teach this old dog a new trick or three? Maybe. We’ll see. Today we are getting reflective and waxing philosophical as we examine our own behaviors and ask, what is it that we need to stop doing? What habits have we formed that eat up our “bandwidth” and prevent us from getting better, or just getting back time?
Lessons Learned
Chris - Kids grow up.  That is sad, and that is joyous, and that is beautiful, and that is precisely as it should be.

Daniel - Take extra care of your early adopters.  Go the extra mile.

Dennis - I get by with a little help from my friends.
Fun Fact(s)
Here’s a fact that’s fun:  We will be at the ACAMIS 2018 Technology Conference in Beijing (Oct 19-20)  ( so if you’d like to see us live check it out.

ACAMIS Stands for Association of China and Mongolia International Schools
Notes & Links
I need to STOP...

Dumping everything on my desktop.

Analyze your desktop: Group items into categories

See if those items should be going under the ‘Documents’, Pictures or Movies folders

Create folders such as: Project/Working files and have all those files downloaded to desktop to the correct folder
CMD+CTRL+Shift -4  copies your screenshot so you can paste the image into the document you need.
Advanced - Change your screenshot save location to a different location:

I know the URL, but I still Google search it and click the link.
Having 44 open tabs in your browser

Singletasking is the new Multitasking
Group Related Tabs into New Windows

Use a bookmark manager for reference documents

I.e. Pocket

Mixing and start managing work files and personal files

Separate your work and personal life
Separate your users if it is a shared device
Using your work email as your personal email
Keep personal files and photos on your work computer

Always putting my computer to sleep without ever shutting it down.

Good Habit:

Shutting your computer down at the end of the day
Restarting a computer before a big presentation or project

Replying All

SPAM: Don’t Do it.


Trying to be perfect … remember the 80/20 principle and you’ll get much more done.
Trying to grade everything. Grade that which measures a student’s progress in acquiring specific knowledge or skills, offer actionable feedback,  and offer a means to improve upon performance.
Asking WHY, and start asking WHY NOT?