Con Smash

Con Smash

Latest Episodes

Episode #12
September 03, 2015

Steven Spielberg inspires this week's Dorkly Dispute about the future of the superhero movie genre. Billy & Mo argue this topic after talking about Harry Potter fans being wrong, Marvel's creative shake-up, the odds of Terminator 6, Chicken Soup for the S

Episode #10
August 13, 2015

Which decade was the better one for cartoons: The 80s or the 90s? Billy & Mo get rather heated over this Dorkly Dispute after reviewing Fantastic Four, talking Sesame Street moving to HBO, Stephen Amell taking over WWE, and many other geeky topics!

Episode #9
August 05, 2015

Are you excited for a new Fantastic 4 movie? Billy & Mo debate this while arguing over Tom Cruise's hair, the Muppets tackling real world problems, people getting their hopes up for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the greatest of all fears & more!

Episode #7
July 22, 2015

Billy & Mo debate the quality of both Marvel's Ant-Man and Pacific Rim, cover WTF news stories including the Emoji movie and Howard Stern's attempt to buy a superhero, and they question Hollywood's recent trend of reboots.

Episode #6
July 16, 2015

Billy & Mo tackle as much post-San Diego Comic-Con news they can, including leaked trailers, the greatest comic book cross-over ever, X-Men: Apocalypse costumes, an original Ghostbuster messing up & more!

Episode #5
July 09, 2015

Billy & Mo debate the ugliest, least practical superhero outfits of all time, talk the recent castings of Spider-Man's Aunt May and Daredevil's Elektra, praise DC Comics recent efforts towards the female fan base and much more!

Episode #3
June 25, 2015

A 1995 superhero movie is debated, the new live action Spider-Man is cast, the Lion King is spoiled, 2 new Green Lanterns are rumored & more. Billy & Mo talk about all of this and why you should purchase bananas.

Episode #2
June 18, 2015

Mo & Billy tackle the "fun" topic of spoilers on social media. Where is the line? Should there even be a line? Additional topics include Marvel's new Punisher, thoughts on Jurassic World, the (female) Ghostbusters storyline reveal & more.

Episode #1
June 04, 2015

Marvel & DC Comics relaunch their respective universes, Fallout 4 is real, Hellboy begs for help & the 1st ever "Dorkly Dispute" - 'Tis the pilot episode of conSMASH, an original geek podcast hosted by Mo Lightning & Billy (A.) Patterson!
