Compulsive Overeating Diary

Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0058- Insomnia’s Effect on Intuitive Eating and Updates on Old and New Brave Companions!

June 27, 2014

That darn scale, I still can't keep myself off of it every morning! How can I get over this bad habit? The truth about my former weight maintenance methods and how intuitive eating differs. Shout-outs to Alen Standish for his kindness in providing me a quick way to get ALL countries' iTunes reviews and to Cheryl for giving Alen's show a try and for posting a comment to him. Why I so appreciate how you brave companions support me and each other. Hello from new brave companion Helen, brava to brave companion Monica from Australia for stepping up to say hi to us, and we hear from one of the original brave companions, Crystal, who gets back in touch and highly deserves her place on today's bravery report! More about money and my adventures with Amazon. Finally, Insomnia drives a wedge in my progress and we do an experiment to identify fullness in our tummies and guts.