Compliance Perspectives

Compliance Perspectives

Sarah Couture on Compliance Mentoring [Podcast]

July 11, 2024

By Adam Turteltaub

Everyone wants a mentor. Not everyone gets one, and not every mentor-mentee relationship works out.

Sarah Couture, Principal at Couture Compliance wants to change that. She’s the author of the chapter, “Mentoring for Compliance Professionals” in the Complete Healthcare Compliance Manual.

In this podcast, she offers advice for mentors and mentees both. Here’s a sample:

Mentors and Mentees

Level setting is essential for ensuring expectations are aligned
Think about your objective, what frequency of meetings makes sense and for how long the relationship should last
Be humble and transparent


Look for someone you respect
Don’t only look for people who know exactly what you do; be open to outside expertise
Let your goals help drive your mentor selection


Consider if you truly have the time
Ask: “Can I provide what this person is looking for?”
Only select mentees you respect and click with
Ask if the mentee is curious, willing to learn and to grow

Listen in to learn more about how to make the mentor-mentee relationship work, and, if you subscribe to the Complete Healthcare Compliance Manual, be sure to read Sarah’s chapter.