Compassion Revolution

Compassion Revolution

Latest Episodes

Episode 53: Doing The Work Part Two
July 06, 2020

This is part two in the series Doing The Work. This week Mary introduces us to some of the Black writers and teachers she is learning from. This episode is an invitation to white identified listeners to come along and do the work of compassion. -

Episode 52: Doing The Work Part One
June 29, 2020

This week Mary declares her white privilege and talks about how she is committing to dismantle it as a daily effort. This podcast is an invitation to white identified listeners to come along on the journey of doing the work of compassion. -

Episode 51: Begin Again
May 19, 2020

Every day, every hour, every breath we get a chance to begin again. Fresh start.

Episode 50: 50 Shades of Grateful
May 12, 2020

This week Mary celebrates fifty episodes of the Compassion Revolution podcast and offers up 50 things she has come to be grateful for during this global pandemic, including hand sanitiser.

Episode 49: Hello to all the things
April 23, 2020

Maybe we could sit still for a moment today and say hello to all the changing, rumbling, expansive and contracting things that coronavirus has brought into our lives?

Episode 48: This is not a sprint
April 07, 2020

This week we go on a hike, instead of sprinting our way through this pandemic we take very deliberate steps with our eyes wide open.

Episode 47: What’s Love Got To Do With It
March 30, 2020

This is our once in a lifetime opportunity to really shape the future. What do we want a post-corona world to look like? Let's talk about the politics of love.

Episode 46: Rise Up Revolutionaries
March 25, 2020

This week Mary goes deep in the blanket fortress to tell us all everything our hearts need to hear to get us through the next 6 months.

Episode 45: Renè and Georgette
March 02, 2020

Making friends is an essential part of life and there are just so many people and animals and plants and landscapes and seascapes to be friends with.

Episode 44: Do Nothing
February 24, 2020

Mary is reading all about how to do nothing in the attention economy. This week she reminds us that we are human beings not human doings.